Sunday, December 27, 2009
Iranian Protests
Intrigues and secrecy seemed to surround the Iranian students whom I met at the University of Washington. Many were also gifted at an oriental sort of diplomatic circumlocution. Only a few who were mostly science and engineer students seemed untroubled by the changes in their country. Probably those few were from wealthy families or had established ties in this country and did not have to return if things got bad at home.
Anyway, there is again fighting in the streets. I hope that we are aiding the dissidents, in very discreet ways of course. Our government should make statements of support for their cause. They are fighting for freedom, which we can understand and which all people deserve. Perhaps the Iranian students that I knew in the past were troubled by the fact that they were being torn between an anti-American faction and a pro-American faction. The anti-American faction was radically socialist and Islamic, an unattractive alternative. The pro-American faction represented the pre-revolutionary status under the Shah, was also unatractive. They had just successfully ousted The Shah because they wanted change. Trouble was, they didn't seem to like the change they were getting.
Update of goings on in Iran:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Senate Health Bill: Dead or Alive?
There is much in the bill that is an affront to the tradition of economic freedom of this nation. There is much in the bill that will degrade medical innovation that has made our healthcare the best in the world. There is much that takes away our choice and costs us more through taxes and various fees and penalties. The bill essentially forces more insurance on many Americans than they want. Of course they will use it by demanding more services since they will be paying for them. This will tend to strain the system and raise costs. It will require a massive, tightly controlled bureaucratic rationing. This is where things usually break down, as with price controls. By rationing, I mean the usual economic definition of forced allocation of a service that does not have a free market to control it by the mechanism of price. This will mean less care provided and more people going without. Isn't it ironic that a supposedly free government provided service will result in less care for more people. That's what happens with all goods and services in a socialist system.
Most conservatives commentators think that the bills is more about a vast increase in government power over the lives of all Americans, making us more dependant upon government. Since Democrats have become the party of big government, it is chiefly a grab for more political power. Votes for the bill have been secured by huge taxpayer funded gifts to the states of Democrat Senators who claim to be undecided.
There is never any improvement with socialism. It is and has always been true that American greatness has been the direct result of our liberty. I predict that the bill will not pass. There has to be among the Democrats at lease one person of integrity who will look to the wishes of their constituents if for no other reason and vote no. There may even be one or two or a few who realise that government provided control does not improve our lot. Eventually, it makes any problem greater and creates more and more difficulties in all areas of society. Eventually, it fails. It may be our fate to learn the lesson that hard way, but I certainly hope not.
Obama Wall Street Prescription: Virtual Ownership
We are witnessing the fall of capitalism. From there, our rights as a free people will dissolve with hardly a murmur from the serfs. After the first death, there is no other.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
More Global Warming, Emperor still Naked
One of the famous studies of CO2 in the atmosphere were the measurements made in Hawaii that gave rise to the MMGW theory. For no reason that they could explain, the CO2 concentrations were rising so they kept up the measurements through the present. The increase was from approximately 325 parts per million to approximately 385 parts per million from 1960 through 2009. My first naive question would be, is that really enough to make any difference? After all, the Green House Effect hypothesis was born to explain warming of the early earth, when CO2 concentrations were .6 to .7 million parts per million. That's about 2,170 times as much as at present. That's a big difference to extrapolate any conclusions of the original hypothesis to the present day.
Albert Einstein was concerned that he was asking the world to believe the theory of relativity without his being able to proof it. This bothered him because he was a real scientist who realised that without proof science would become useless speculation. He offered three experiments that could be performed to prove that his theory was wrong. At the time we did have the technology to perform the experiments. Since then, Relativity's predictions were found to be essentially correct. Einstein acted as the devil's advocate for his own theory. On the contrary, the so-called scientists of global warming censor any dissenting views and are very defensive of their theory. If truth was their goal, they should be happy to listen to dissenters. They should insist upon having a devil's advocate. (A term that originated with the Catholic Church's practice of appointing someone to research a candidate for sainthood and to argue why he or she is not worthy of canonization.)
Why would supposedly intelligent world leaders expend trillions of their people's resources based upon the word of these disreputable so-called scientists? Instead of listening to the politicians in Copenhagen, they should listen to a different Dane, Hans Christian Anderson, who said the emperor has no clothes.
To mention one last questionable claim: Man is causing melting of Arctic ice. I read in 1421, The Year that China Discovered America, that 580 years ago, the Chinese sailed around the north coast of Greenland. It must have been melting then and there was little human-generated greenhouse gasses then. Also, while reading about my ancestors, the northern Indian
tribes, I found that at the time of early European exploration, the past warming was known to the indigenous people. It was their belief that melting of the ice disrupted the Eskimo whaling. As a result the Eskimos moved south where they ran into my relatives who engaged in warfare with the Eskimos ever since. (My apologies to J. D. Salinger)
My conclusion has long been that Al Gore and his compadres are fools and/or thieves, at any rate their proposals are very dangerous. /See the first post of this blog which consists of the whole story of The Emperor's New Clothes. /
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dubai Leads the Way
Maybe the vast 'investment' in infrastructure is part of the problem. Those fabulous palaces are apparently for the most part vacant. This situation is similar to the financial panic of 1837 in this country. Free market economists have blamed that on over investment in infrastructure. This had been spurred on by the inflation of the central bank before Andy Jackson was able to close it down. (He was the first one to abolish the Fed.) Like FDR, Barack Hussein Obama's economic theorizing says that 'investment' by the government in infrastructure and related projects is just what we need. Actually it is not what we need but I do not blame the president for not knowing the unknowable. That is why the market, without government intervention, is the only mechanism for deciding what needs to be produced to satisfy society's most urgent needs. If you do not understand that, I have a bridge to nowhere that you might be interested in.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Krugman Speaks (in His Native Tongue)
Of course, Mr. Krugman is guilty of advancing and perpetuating egregious violence against reason, but I do not blame him. He is locked into a mind set that has hopelessly befuddled his thinking (related to "Keyneseism"). He advances several arguments in favor of the economic benefits that would accrue to us if we adopted a policy of cap-and-trade to fight global warming. To be generous to him, his thesis is probably better stated as something like, "cap-and-trade would cause far less decline than has been claimed by its detractors." It is a little difficult to say if maybe he does think there could be a net gain when he states that businesses will, "be able to increase their profits if they can burn less carbon." Actually, he means that they will mitigate their losses under cap-and-trade by "burning" less carbon. The only ones to profit will be those in the marketing of the carbon credits, i.e. the tax collectors
In any event, in his reasoning he falls prey to one of the most pervasive economic fallacies, the fallacy of the broken window. This was named by Bastiat and referenced by Hazlitt in Economics in One Lesson. The Nobel Laureate, Mr. Krugman claims that there can be economic gains by investment in development of various ways to emit less greenhouse gas. This is like the investment that Bastiat talks about to repair the broken window. The manufactures and the installer will all benefit by the "investments" made in repairing the broken window. They will spend their new gains, thus stimulation the economy. Therefore would it not be beneficial to break more, of even all windows? Especially, as claimed by Mr. K, at a time of economic downturn? The answer is: No.
The reason for this is not difficult to discern. The resources that go into the repair of the window would have been used for something else if the window had not been broken. If for some reason, no windows were broken for a year, we would experience an upsurge in the production of other economic goods. Perhaps the capitol, labor, and natural resources used in the production and installation of windows would go to the building of new houses. (The exact composition of the new goods would depend upon the what purchasers in the market demanded, for the consumer is king in the unimpeded market.) If more windows are broken, we cannot say what would be lost for we can never know what might have been. That so few can see this simple fact is what causes my pessimism.
With the case of global warming, the atmosphere is what is broken, according to Al Gore and the warmies. Much of the scarce recources of planet earth have to go to stopping the damage to the atmosphere, according to them. In the opinion of the conservative wing, we do not even get a new window, since the atmosphere is not really broken and our efforts will not fix anything.
Now Mr. K also says that to believe that Man Made Global Warming is a hoax, one would have to believe in a vast scientific conspiracy. That may be so. Yet to believe as Mr. K does, one would have to believe in a conspiracy of all the fossil fuel users around the globe. He says that we can reduce emissions at relatively low cost by, "improved insulation, more efficient appliances, more fuel efficient cars and trucks, greater use of solar, wind, and nuclear power and much, much more." All we need is the economic incentive of cap-and-trade to find and develop all these new ways. However I would point out that we already have the incentive of $70 to $100 per gallon oil. I would think that, unless there is some vast conspiracy among oil users to keep using oil, we would already be expending vast amounts of resources to use less. Yet petroleum, coal, natural gas, and firewood sill provide maybe 70% of the world energy needs. If significant use of alternatives and conservation had "a relatively low cost" why aren't they here now?
According to economists, which I now perceive Mr. K is not, the answer to that question is a little more subtle and involves the concept of economic decisions being made at the margin, and diminishing returns. Suffice it to say, that even common sense allows us to say that all decisions involve a trade-off between alternative actions. Whatever those trade-offs are, they cannot be as cost-free as the cap-and-traders want us to believe. I really don't know how much solar energy development would costs, but if there would be a great return to low cost efforts in that direction, it seems that we would have a lot more of it now.
If the schemes of the warmies come to fruition, those of us not among the elite architects of the conspiracy, will not like the result. However, if we are so ignorant as to be deceived by the likes to Al Gore and Paul Krugman, then we were literally made to be sold.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Global Warming Non-Debate Continues
1) The proponent of a policy has the burden of establishing a case for the adoption of their policy. This is particularly true of a major policy change like cap-and-trade, which would significantly increase the cost of our most important fuel sources. Instead of making the case, they ask that we accept on authority alone, the conclusions of scientists. They have never simply and clearly explained either their MMGW theory or their Cap-and-trade proposal, much less made their prime fascia case.
2) Unlike the claim made by proponents, there is not a consensus among scientist that MMGW is a concern. Unfortunately, the government bodies that wield the most political weight in matters of science seem to have been co-opted by the warmies. They will not let the dissenters be heard. They discredit them and the publications in which dissenting views have been published.
3) The internet, being thus far free of government control, does give dissenters a voice. An interesting website that I linked to in an earlier post (and which I will check on) offers several scientific arguments against MMGW. One argument states that whereas it it true that CO2 absorbs and reradiates heat radiation, thus returning to earth heat that would be lost, it absorbs only heat radiated in specific wavelengths. (What wave lengths and under what conditions co2 absorbs radiation and what it does with the heat thus absorbed would be part of the theory that the proponents should be more fully explaining, but which they do not.) The website in question calculates the heat lost due to this process and concludes that even if there was enough CO2 in the atmosphere to absorb all of the radiation within the given wavelengths, it would not have a significant affect on climate. (Perhaps the proponents have ways of explaining their way around this but they will not say, except that their computer model says that the result will be warming, a LOT of warming, we better really be scared-- and that they say is their scientific opinion.)
4) Eventhough he theory of the proponents is never fully stated (even to a first approximation), they do (or at least did initially) offer empirical evidence of recent warming in support of their theory. This breaks dwon in two ways. a) their methods of measurement have been called into question. Measurements made near cities, for example, are usually higher, as cities grow then the temperatures will increase. Therefore, many of their results taken near cities were merely confirmations of urban growth. (There are other problems with their measurements too.); b) Most temperature measurements , even those of proponents, show that in the very recent past, 15 to 20 years, temperature have gone down. This was while atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased. (This is one of the things they tried to lie about)
5) The Theory of MMGW via CO2 production, (which is the most important part of the theory for public policy) does not explain how the relatively small amount of CO2 in the atmosphere could have a significant affect. (This could be considered a part of objection #2) Even with the increases of CO2 in the atmosphere (which measurements they project by questionable, indirect means to times before measurements were taken), the concentrations are far below 1% of the total atmospheric gasses. This is in comparison to the atmosphere of the early days of planet earth, which other scientist have long told us was about 60% CO2. Connected to this, is the argument that it is the warmer earth that causes the CO2 increases, not the other way around. Dissenters have graphed the changes and they claim that the CO2 increases followed the warming, not the other way around. Again, many details of the theory could be more rationally discussed if they would tell us just what is in their computer model (and what is left out). As it is their model is a black box: we aren't told what goes on inside. This is because, no doubt we are mostly just not as smart as Al Gore and the rest of them. (Prince Charles of Great Britain is apparently another of the hyper intelligent warmies.)
6) An objection to the Cap-and-Trade scheme is that it would not bring about much reduction in the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere anyway. If CO2 really is causing global warming or if something else is causing warming (such as cyclical changes in the sun's output), there may be nothing we can do to reverse it. Therefore, instead of imposing trillions of dollars of burdens on the world economy, which would leave us with virtually no resources for other remedies, we should be spending our money and time on something that would help. The Maldive Islands is understandably concerned about possible rising sea levels, since most of the country is three feet above sea level. Besides lobbying for cap-and-trade (because A. Grore says to), they also created a new island and built a six foot wall around it. Building dikes would be a more efficient use of resources that capping and trading. (I must say that cap-and-trade should win an award as the most astoundingly stupid idea ever. It is obviously a thinly disguised method of obtaining the results that environmentalists have wanted all along, which is a word with much diminished industry. They do not say how we will support ourselves without fossil fuel, the most efficient form of energy discovered to date, with the possible exception of nuclear, which they don't want either.)
7) One of my favorite objections (as I sit here with 10 degree weather outside.) The warmies do not address the advantages to some, if not most areas of the world, that would result from warming. This could easily outweigh the unwanted consequences, and at any rate, should be calculated into the cost-benefit analysis.
8) contiued
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Only Good Health Bill Is a Dead Health Bill
I have heard even Fox Radio report the story this way in their top of the hour news segments. The press should report that the health bill is a creation of the Democrat Party, embodying many aspects of government control and totally devoid of free market mechanisms. As such, they need not pretend that there are just a few differences that need to be ironed.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Global Warming Exposed at Last: Zero Integrity
Dr. Tim Ball, much abused global warming denier, has the story. (He is an atmospheric scientist and climate and energy specialist from the University of Winnipeg.) His opinions have long been censured by politicians and so-called scientists.
Will they hide the evidence of the monumental deception plan? They will try.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving: Time for Reflection and Best of on the Radio
With socialized medicine, I have tried to tell him there's no free lunch. If we cannot individually afford healthcare, how can we afford it collectively. It will turn out as the case of the store door-greeter who gets minimum wage. He is so glad when he hears that the minimum wage is being raised. As soon as it becomes law, he can't understand why the store tells him they don't need a door-greeter anymore. The lesson: you never get what the government promises. Government programs are like the devil's empty promises. They lead us from the true path and never provide what they promise. Again we not only have economic theory to guide us but we also have recent history. Socialism never works and trying again will give us the same disastrous results.
I have already said all this in earlier posts. Another feature of the holidays is that the radio talk show often have 'Best Of' programs. Mark Levin again recaped his report on the four government actions that caused the mortgage/banking collapse last year. He recps the various laws passed, the government agencies empowered, the corruption and growth of government involvement. He makes an excellent case. The Democrat response to these facts is 1) ignore, 2) talking point: not a significant factor because: -------- (fill in the lie). 3) it was cooperate greed, or 4) Ha Ha, there was plenty of blame to go around... followed by solution: MORE government involvement. So typical and of course supported by the lame stream press (as Sarah Palin calls the GCP).
I thought that the latest banking crisis was caused by the government. This was confirmed, I thought, when it came out the Freddy Mac and Fannie May owned or controlled over half of the country's mortgages. I thought that it was obvious for even the biggest ignoramus to understand when the talk shows played multiple speeches of President Bush, John McCain, and other Republicans warning of the pending problems with Freddy and Fanny. They then played the tape of Senator Dodd and other Democrats arguing that it was no problem. The Problem to anyone with eyes to see: BHO, Nancy Pulosi, Harry Ried, Christopher Dodd, Chucky Schumer, and the interventionist policies of the current democrat party.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Profiles in Courage?
Probably no Democrat Senator will oppose the healthcare bill because they are on the take. The fix is in. BHO and the Central Committee of the Party will threaten them and/or promise the world. (Cf. Senator Laundry of Louisiana, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.) They will point out that with their approval already down, they won't be reelected anyhow and they will promise either hundreds of millions for their state or a cushy, prestigious job for themselves. So even if they oppose it and have promised to vote against it they may end of voting for the healthcare bill anyway. It would take real courage to oppose the Central Committee (Axilrod, Emanuel, BHO, etc.).
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday Up-Date: More Government, Some Backlash
Besides showing an extreme lack of sense for not acting sooner to get an obviously mentally disturbed individual out of the armed service, it is an insult to the patriotic and law abiding Muslims who live in all the communities of this country. It is as if the government authorities are saying: "This behavior is allowable because he is a Muslim and it is not out of the ordinary for Muslims." More to the point, I have heard, even in my small circle of sensible acquaintances, calls for such things as Japanese style internment camps for Muslims, at least for more visible ones. This would be a travesty of justice and a poor example coming from the land of the free. I have often seen government officials, driven by the public under the influence of mob mentality, adopt policies that punish the innocent in the name of security. That certainly happens everyday around the globe. I do not like seeing it done here in big things or small.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Election
In our upcoming local election in Pierce County, State of Washington, I have only a few favorites.
James Postma, who was at the Puyallup tea party last Friday is solidly conservative. He is running in the 9th Congressional District (not my district). I spoke to some of his supporters and campaign workers. I wanted to speak to Mr. Postma but it was so crowded at the indoor event that I could not get to him without exacerbating my claustrophobia and getting too warm. They really needed a much larger space. Mr. Posta opposes cap-and-trade, which I see as the most important issue that will probably still be before congress. He is in favor of developing our own energy sources. He would try to cut taxes and end the various government spending so-called stimuli.
Mr. Charles Kelly Creso is running for the Port of Tacoma Board of Commissioners. I do not know if he is an independent, Libertarian, or even a Democrat; I do not believe he would identify himself as a Republican, but he is honest and energetic. He ran for City Council not long ago and he is well known to that body as someone who holds them accountable. His family has been in Tacoma for at least four generations but he isn't in any old boy network. He will not rubber stamp any proposal whether from environmentalists or from a deep pockets port tenant. He does his research. (Would he every oppose the international longshoreman's hooligans society? -- I do not really know, but then who can oppose them? I am not any kind of expert on that question, but longshoreman have always seem to me to have too much clout.) Kelly will do his best for the port, the city, and the region.
As I look through the voter's pamphlet, I see Mr. Richard "Dick" Muri running for the Pierce County Council, District No. 6. I believe that he will hold down tax increases as much as possible. Although he has a masters degree in environmental science, which makes him suspect in my book, he states that his knowledge will help ensure legislation is based upon valid science. I do like scientists and I am glad to see several candidates with scientific backgrounds. Up until the global warming scam, I always thought that sciences teach logical analysis. Many college students avoid science because they rightly believe that they don't have the intellect. They study psychology, sociology, journalism, political science, or education instead. Apparently, they have also infiltrated atmospheric science.
Apropos to my lack of electoral knowledge, I see that I made two errors in my post of yesterday. The RINO actually supported the Democrat when she dropped out. Can you beleive that? Also it was in New York not New Jersey. It's all back east to me.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Still Marching twoard Totalitarianism
Regarding the attempted coup by the president of Honduras, it appears that he has temporarily flaunted his nation's laws and gets a second bite of the apple. He is a want-to-be dictator who may soon be installed by the United States. (Something that the left used to dislike until a communist came into power, here and there.) The Hondurans are trying desperately to remain free, in spite of U.S. threats and sanctions. The US press also supported the BHO intervention in Honduran affairs. See my earlier post regarding Zelay's attempted coup, posted July 4. (I note that the same thing happened in Niger, which may have given Manuel Zelay the idea. - We did object to Mamadou Tandja in Niger, but he went ahead anyway. His third, unconstitutional, term starts next month. He dismissed parliament and the high court to stay in power. What does BHO do if his man does that too? Why don't we intervene there? Does BHO like that gangster too? Niger is the second largest uranium producer and may have oil. Remember the yellow cake? That's what Saddam's trade envoy went there for not the oil.)
The political situation here continues about the same: more and more unconstitutional powers usurped by all three branches. There is a dribble of defections in the GCP (Government Controlled Press). The major government organs actually did refuse to attend a press conference from which Fox News was was excluded. The RINOs are also slipping. The New Jersey Republican, who had been endorsed by ACORN, has withdrawn from the congressional special election in favor of the third party conservative, who was endorsed by Her Excellency, Sarah Palin.
Domestic economic affairs continue on their dismal trajectory to a $20 trillion debt. More Deficit spending along with low interest rates got us into the current mess and BHO seems to have no remedy but the hair of the dog that bit us. A new best seller, The Conscience of a Libertarian, spells it out well. While your at it, The Conscience of a Conservative, by Barry Goldwater, is pretty good too. We are still trying to spend our way to prosperity and reflate a popped balloon. Yes we can't.
In addition to not having a whole lot more to say, I am also busy with my new hobby of stamp collecting. This is a good way to learn about history and geography. I will post some photos of Third Reich and USSR stamps that I find interesting. The only current fascist and communist party on the ascendancy, is the HBO cabal. The parallels are numerous and depressing.
(See Bill Cunningham and his small cadre of Renegades on facebook for a good time)
Honduran matter: Latest abut US supported attempted coup: 0
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hidden Inflation
This is a good example of how government pursues a bad policy to mitigate the results of their past policy of interference. If there were no government deposit insurance, banks would have had to slow down long ago, or else lose deposits. The government could afford to leave them alone if it didn't have to make good the depositor's losses. Now they are just digging a deeper hole. As they say, the first step to getting out of the hole is to stop digging. Loose money leads to business (and local governments) investing in long term capital improvement. That creates the proverbial bridges to nowhere. If the economy can not currently support growth, that investment will not be needed and will be wasted.
The result will probably be a harder landing when we hit bottom. If they shift gears to support the dollar, which they will have to do, interests rates and prices may start to spiral up and BHO and his Fed chief won't be able to do anything about it. If they would have cut taxes and spending a year ago and stuck to it, things would look better by now. At this point, that would still be a good policy. Unfortunately, HBO is still on a spending spree and talking about who to tax to pay for some of it. On top of that, he wants banks to lend more, especially to home buyers. He's like a gambler who wants to keep doubling his bet in the hopes of getting even.
It's time that the Republicans in Congress take every opportunity to say "no more."
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Liberty Belle
She has had several articles appear in major business and libertarian websites and publications.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Unmitigated Health Care Disaster
In spite of the problems, the attorneys, government bureaucrats, care providers, and insurance companies have worked out a system that is far from perfect, but which functions. It has evolved to solve the difficulties in providing and paying for health care. If a new federal medical law is passed, it would create yet another system that is superimposed upon it. The result will be an unmitigated bureaucratic disaster.
When I started this blog, I was going to call it Brave New World, which would be an ironic reference to Aldous Huxley’s book by that name. Actually, Aldous Huxley’s title is an ironic reference to a line from Shakespeare. He was writing about a future society where a totalitarian regime guided by utopian theories of how to change man, creates big mess. In fact a ‘dystopia.’ Mr. Huxley was of course being ironic himself and what he was really talking about was a chicken shit new world. I decided to cut the irony and just call it what it is. See this link to an informative essay about Huxley and Brave New World: A quote from the essay: “Much of his work deals with the conflict between the interests of the individual and society… These themes reached their zenith in Huxley’s Brave New World, published in 1932. His most enduring work imagined a fictional future in which free will and individuality have been sacrificed in deference to complete social stability.” The BHO administration and his Party, Central Committees, Commissars, and propaganda is just what Huxley had in mind.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Robert Reich on Death Panels
The rest of Mr. Reich's spiel is interesting too, and surprisingly candid and correct. (It is not really fair to call him Robert Third Riech) Hear him:
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Bill Cunningham's Rating Set To Improve
I note that in some translations of "The Emperor's New Clothes," the fake tailors are awarded a prize for their beautiful work, which no one had the courage to admit they could not see.
Mr. Cunningham talked about BHO organizations ACORN and the Apollo Alliance and the evils inherent therein.
Mr. Cunningham goes on to discuss the past calls from feminists for the resignation of various Republicans and conservatives for sexual contact with younger female employees. (Or even foolish allegations, as in the case of Clarance Thomas.) According to feminists, these relatively innocuous actions were the epitome of exploitation. He asks why the rules are different for liberals such as Bill Jefferson (B. J.) Clinton and Dave Letterman. He also asks why the remarks of Letterman regarding Sarah Palin and her daughters are regarded as OK by feminists and liberals and the press. He asks about the lack of concern about Roman Polanski, of which Oprah says that he was not guilty of rape rape. Mr. Cunningham and his guest, John Ziggler, discuss many other interesting examples.
I wonder about these things. Obviously many feminists are not really concerned about the treatment of women just as many environmentalists are not concerned about the environment. They are using their feigned outrage as a means of advancing their political aims. The press is obviously going along because it supports the same political aims, as does BHO. I should be on that list too.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tonight on Tabath Smiley
I see two things going on here:
1) Liberals getting books published to counter the 20 or 30 recent best seller conservative books. Don't buy the liberal books yet. You can get them at the Dollar Store in a month or so.
2) As their usual prelude to another attack on our liberties, one of the first steps is to accuse the right of exactly what the left has been doing and is going to try to do some more.
Tabatha Smiley says, "Remember, keep the faith."
see more about Tabatha at
Why can't I see more about Ludvig von Mises at or
Walter Williams or Alan Keyes?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Can We Realy Share the Wealth?
This weekend Les Leopold was on the Coast to Coast radio program. He is the author of "The Looting of America." He is a good spokesman for socialism of the disguised form, as is president Obama and a large segment of his administration. He has all the arguments and is able rhetorically to avoid the tough questions. Ian Pundant, the shows host, did a good job of allowing him enough rope to hang himself. He allowed Mr. Leopold to explain his ideas without the least hint of criticism.
Mr. Leopold's ideas all stem from the notion the there is an unequal distribution of wealth. This is especially true of Wall Street and that inequality is somehow the cause of the last and probably all other market collapses. He says that great wealth leads to a "casino atmosphere." This certainly is in keeping with popular sentiment and may be exactly the kind of argument that leads to the BHO takeover of the financial system. That is essentially what he proposed although in the most veiled terms. He states that Milton Friedman is the most to blame for our current economic troubles because his philosophy led to all of "this deregulation." Again, I ask what deregulation? Also again I ask, how could regulators have helped when it was government policy itself that they would have to regulate? Callers to the talk show program and later the host disputed Mr. Leopold's thesis. His responses revealed him for the well rehearsed snake oil salesman that he is. He asked one caller if he would agree with his various schemes if he could convince him that the great inequality of wealth on Wall Street was what causes collapses in the financial system. He said that his book contained definitive arguments. The caller said that he could never convince him of that and he couldn't convince me either.
(some of Mr. Leopold and friends:
I, like Thomas Jefferson, "have sworn hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." I cannot be convinced that socialism is in some way just or can be beneficial to either the immediate recipient of government largess or to the ones that must be robbed to enable that largess. I agree with the dictums of Frank Chodorov, of the old right. It was written of him in 1952:
"Listening to Mr. Chodorov, you won't
get any meaningless gabble about "Right" and "Left," or "progressive'" and
"reactionary," or liberalism as a philosophy of the "middle of the road." Mr. Chodorov deals in far more fundamental
distinctions. There is, for example, the Chodorovian distinction between social
power and political power. Social power develops from the creation of wealth by
individuals working alone or in voluntary concert. Political power, on the other
hand, grows by the forcible appropriation of the individual's social power.""People on Our Side: Frank Chodorov"
Mises Daily by John Chamberlain
Posted on 10/5/2009 12:00:00
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Lack of Consistancey or Just Plain Lying
How to understand it all?
see von Mises Institute's recent article
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Wanderings of Careless Thought or It's My Blog and I Can Say Whatever I Want
That is to say that although James Joyce's character abandoned the Church, he believed that, unlike Protestantism, it's teachings formed an internally consistent and logical set of beliefs. Why would he abandon that for the irrational? (His abandonment, I guess goes deeper, the exploration of which is partly what the book is about and a little deep for me) The organization of a free human society naturally forms a means of exchanging goods and services that is logically consistent in its basic tenants and practices. Because our system with division of labor and private property, allows more saving (non-consumption), which becomes the capital goods for further advancement, we call it capitalism (although Marx coined this as a term of derision). So-called revolutionaries have always opposed this system because of the unequal distribution of those goods and services that inevitably results. The second reason that some revolutionaries of today want the downfall of capitalism is that they see it as the root cause of changes for the worse in the flora, fauna, and other endowments of planet earth. However, I assert that neither of these two objections have ever passed the muster of rigorous evaluation. (Which you won't get here either; only musings.)
Revolution is a temporary redistribution followed either by return to the status quo or chaos. Until capitalism is reestablished, the material standard of living of most people suffers. The environmentalist objection seem to imply an ultimate return to a natural state as hunter gatherers. There probably never existed an idyllic natural state as some envision and the proponents only conjure it up because they don't believe that it would actually ever come to pass. For my part, I wouldn't mind a life of hunting and gathering, although it would require an approximately 99% global population reduction. I believe that in the final analysis, the second revolutionary objection collapses into the first. i.e. redistribution of prosperity favoring some particular group of which they consider themselves a part. With their newfound ill-gotten goods, they might build a park or two. Taken to the logical conclusion, the destruction of capitalism could lead to my idyllic hunter gatherer condition. They might need their parks to pitch a tent; they couldn't hack it.
Biggest Fools to Ever Hit the Big Time
Claims like this go on and on until it gets to the point that there is no reason to even read articles like the instant one of Mr. Krugman. It offers no new insight and, other than for reasons of piling on, it seems pointless. It bears repeating the quotation from Bastiat: "This is the way an opinion gains acceptance in France. Fifty ignoramuses repeat in chorus some absurd libel that has been thought up by an even bigger ignoramus; and, if only it happens to coincide to some slight degree with prevailing attitudes and passions, it becomes a self-evident truth."
Before I read the article, I wrote a comment on the NY Times website (slightly revised): To Comment in the vein of what passes for deliberative thought today, I will first of all, not read the article, secondly, I will run it through my new and improved 97.265% accurate scientific model, my conclusion:
1) Chickenshit
2) The only fool bigger than Mr. Krugman is Mr. Gore.
1. The outgoing leader of Greenpeace has admitted his organization’s recent claim that the Arctic Ice will disappear by 2030 was “a mistake.”
Greenpeace made the claim in a July 15 press release entitled “Urgent Action Needed As Arctic Ice Melts,” which said there will be an ice-free Arctic by 2030 because of global warming.
BHO Underground Organizations Revealed
Glenn has long claimed to be independent from any political party. He has stated many times that both the Republicans and the Democrats are part of the problem. That's why Mark Levin seldom has much good to say about him. Mr. Levin is definitely of the opinion that the only chance of salvation from BHO is the Republican Party. There is no time for a third party or any similar movement. Mr. Levin does aspire to a 'new' Republican Party, in exactly the same context that Ronald Reagan called for just that.
I hope that Glenn's remarks to Katie Couric will have the affect of attracting attention to his radio and TV program. There are some horrific aspects of the BHO administration that Glenn is bringing to light. His explanations may lack completeness but he is in the process of figuring it out himself. Who really can sort out the ACORN, Apollo Alliance, TIDE, HUD, SEIU, etc. connections when those connections were intentionally hidden. There apparently are dozens of semi-secret, underground organizations that have seemingly legitimate front groups. The front groups receive government funds and non-profit status while furthering the aims of their underground controllers. George Soros, according to Glenn (and a lot of others) is behind most of it. The aims of these underground orginizations is unadultarated communism.
By the way, we do not want communism and all that it implies. If you do not know what it implies, there is much written on the subject. You should find out before we give it a try. It took the USSR 70 years to unwind so far and they still have a ways to go. (It took tens of millions dead too in case you hadn't heard.)
I certainly don't get it but I know I don't like it. I hope people with the time and resources will dig deep in this manure pile. People who understand the politics, history, and methods of communism could have fun with this. Mostly, they need to keep talking. The BHO organization will of course not sit still but will counter attack. The alternative press is bound to be the next target number one.
See the following:
Friday, September 25, 2009
George Was Right
Pay Now and Pay Later for Gov Helathcare
Currently, I and most others have clanged to insurance policies that offer less coverage (as little as current State law allows) and high deductibles. Currently, those who cannot afford coverage qualify for means tested Medicaid (as congress gave us to solve this problem the last time around). Anyone who really needs medical care can receive it. If they do not pay the bill, providers can collect in the usual ways. If they go bankrupt, then they must have assets that they needed to protect, so why couldn't they have used their assets to purchase insurance?
Sounds to me like another government program to:
1) give us some benefit that is available on the free market but that is not what we choose to spend our money on. That is, higher levels of coverage or any insurance at all for some.
2) provide for those we cannot afford care -- which we already have.
There are thousands of "Free Market" improvements in the system that can be made, which mostly involve undoing what we have already done.
I was going to list links, but you can Google "Free market health care" as well as I can.
Post Office Says It Can't Compete
Obama says that his healthcare system will compete like the post office with the private companies. His hero F. D. Roosevelt brought us Social security knowing full well that it was a ponzie scheme. But who really cares, so long as the government keeps giving us stuff, that's the important thing: Vote Democrat to keep it coming!
Biden not Dead Yet
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Revolution's Progress
1) President Barack Obama: Naive-in-Chief, stunning clulessness, and insults to America-- London Times
Today another BHO speech to UN: Nuclear disarmament and lecturing. (I didn't actually hear the speech but I am sure it contained lecturing.) Some nuclear enforcement ideas are good if directed at the problem areas but goal of world without nuclear weapons is deceivingly idiotic, like gun control.
In the 1930's there was a multilateral international agreement to ban war. WWII followed soon after.
Gordon Brown, PM was good, Sarcosie, French President, was great. Great Britain says they will scrap one of their four nuclear armed subs. Who cares, but a bad symbolic statement.
BHO foreign policy abandons Poland, Checz Republic, Israel, UK, and Honduras
Supports Iran, N. Korea, Venezuela, and Russia
2) Glen Beck v. Republican party. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result, says Glenn. Yes, the R's we supported were a disappointment in the recent past. They not only reached across the isle, but they ran over and sat on the Demo's laps and gave em a big kiss on the cheek. But there are degrees of insanity. Creating a third party or similar movements have always been very disastrous in the past. The left has a circus of clowns. We need one too and there is room in the Republican tent for Glen.
3) Ongoing press difficulties. Freedom v. the G.C.P. (Government Controlled Press). Why are the primary news media having financial trouble? The market for drivel is saturated and only outlets for truth are in low supply.
4) Pending hazardous legislation: Health care (for yet another free market solution, see: Is Emergency Care a Failed Market: by Eric M. Staib; 9/24/09), Wall Street regulation/take over (back burner now but just wait; RINO please say no to this), Global Warming still the worst of the worst. The unwitting and otherwise compliance of the press and environmental groups is the only way this monstrous idea could survive. We really need some light on this to expose it for what it is. Speaking of exposing, what about ACORN and allied groups: an interlocking spider web of corruption, crime, and communism. As such, congress should cut back their government funding to only a few hundred million: honor among thieves.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Lying to Save the Planet
Saturday, September 19, 2009
New Target for Hate and Takeover: Wall Street
We have heard for the last eight years all kinds of bizarre accusations directed against the Republicans of how they are attempting to control the population by imposing their Farwellian, fundamentalist morality. Aside from the fact that Christianity has retreated so far, that we are at last putting up a feeble defense of the last two or three percent of our former territory, I would say, "who cares?" I do not see our freedoms currently under any serious threat from the Christian right. On the other hand, anyone with eyes to see and with the slightest sense should realize that the left, under President Barack Husein Obama [BHO] with the aid of the leftest congress and liberal press, are currently a great threat to our liberties.
BHO's attack on Wall Street is the latest attempt to gain more power over the institution of this nation. It should be clear, based upon recent similar tactics, that the anti-Wall Street propaganda coming directly from BHO is the harbinger of another take-over attempt. I hope he is stopped. Unfortunately, the public hears only one side. They know about the excesses of Wall Street executives and they have heard over and over that they are the sole culprits responsible for the present and all other economic downturns. On the contrary, government economic intervention itself has been and remains the main culprit. Capitalism, the free market, and our complicated financial system has been responsible for the greatest advances in the history of humanity. Its abundant shortfalls, as aforesaid, are chiefly the fault of government intervention.
There are also dishonest people. We should be protected from them by the police powers of the government. Fraud is an ever present danger, which in fact could probably be avoided by the unimpeded functioning of a free market better that is is by the government. BHO's covetousness of the productive forces of this nation far exceeds the mere policing of sharp business practices. Unfortunately, the results of government failings in detection of fraud along with problems created by intervention in financial markets by government, is not even an issue under discussion. Instead, big business and industry along with their needed financial system are blamed for all our ills and are currently under threat of destruction from BHO. This is madness and chickenshit of the highest order.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
How to for Revolution - Some Tips to Try
Monday, September 14, 2009
Representative Wilson Should Appologise Some More
One Debacle at a Time Please
The Federal Administration and its allies in congress will not offer a definitive proposal for a while, if ever. (Just as they do not offer a definitive health care plan and as the Man Made Global Warming Theory is never spelled out in total.) That will allow them to disavow and deny any accusation that some particularly repugnant scheme is part of their proposal, just as they do with health care. As with Global Warming, it will be hard to attack their proposals on grounds of economic theory, since they really won't have a proposal. It will morph depending upon the audience they are trying to persuade.
However, just because they do not tell their plans does not mean that they do not have any. Thanks to talk radio, we have heard several speeches given by Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress over the last few years to their close constituent organizations. They say that they want single government payer health care. They do not want any part of our current system. They told their friendly audiences that they may have to accept some employer provided insurance for a while, but eventually Party organizers can deliver full-blown socialized medicine. It is the same way with financial 'regulation'. What he really wants is to take control of the financial system.
At first he will say that he proposes a 'consumer protection agency' to save us from the abuses of Wall Street. The actual bill that they eventually produce when the time is ripe, will have been long in the works. Every socialistic central planning and control mechanism that has been discredited over the last two hundred years will be represented. It will be written by the likes of Van Jones communist activists, Noam Chomsky communist academics, Paul Krugman communist economists (this latter one is in disguise), and all kinds of just plain communists that we have not heard of yet. There are plenty of communist 'scholars' waiting in the wings and biting at the bit to get control of as much as they can. Wall Street would certainly be a big coup.
On the other side are the conservatives: economist, wall street businessmen, politicians, historians, and legitimate scholars who can be ignored because they have been so discredited by the press. They tells us that it is government regulation that causes economic downturn. They ask how regulation could have made any difference in the mortgage meltdown, when industry was doing just as government wanted it to do. Would the regulator have said to congress, "no Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Reid, Mr. Franks, Mr. Dodd, if you make a law like that it will lead to risky loans and excess speculation. No Mr. Greenspan, Mr. Bernanke, you can't do that or it will lead to malinvestment of our precious limited resources in a bubble that will ultimately burst and destroy capital." Any such regulator would soon be out of a job. Banks were led by congress to make loans that they thought better of and fined if they refused. They attempted to protect themselves with 'insurance' (derivatives) but you can't protect yourself when everyone, even the 'insurers' go broke. (As they always do when the bubble bursts.) When things went wrong the banks were blamed.
That and a lot more is inconvenient history that the current administration is allowed to ignore. At the time they dismissed their own responsibility by saying, "there's plenty of blame to go around." I believe it was Rush Limbaugh who said, "when a Democrat says there is plenty of blame to go around, you can bet that their share was about 95%."
Another example that is often heard is that the 'massive' banking deregulation of the Reagan and Bush administrations was obviously a mistake. When you ask just what deregulation they mean, one thing you often hear is the repeal of Glass Stiegal. This allowed financial firms to diversify: it allowed banks to underwrite securities as investment banks do and investment banks and brokers to accept deposits as regular banks do. However, in the mortgage meltdown, the banks got into trouble by acting as banks and the brokerages and investment firms by acting as such. The Glass Steigal Act was mostly irrelevant. The largest mortgage players, Fanny May and Freddie Mac behaved just as always, they were not affected by Glass Steigal. They were a creation of congress and did congress's bidding. They, along with the Fed, were the primary instigators of the meltdown. They were not regulated by government because, effectively, they were government. So who will regulate the regulators Mr. President? Another practice that they mention is short selling, which in fact is economically beneficial in that it warns investors of coming problems, which will help to remedy those problems in time. Other systematic problems in capital markets, too numerous and depressing to mention, all followed from the implementation of government plans.
The people who know the least about finance, (who manage the Post office, Social Security, Amtrack, Medicare Medicaid, government pension insurance, deposit insurance... all essentially bankrupt), now want to further regulate the financial industry. It is already regulated so much, there is not much more they can do except take it over. That is what they want to do, and may end up doing. They may not have their name on the deeds right away, but they will call the shots, which amounts to the same thing. On our side, we have an informed public, who will be hard to bamboozle, even though they will surely try. They will lie and most of the press will back them up. We have talk radio (one of their next targets) and we have Tea Parties and we had some great town meetings. We have the constitution still and we have the truth.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Can You Imagine?
And all the little oysters stood and waited in a row.
“The time has come,” the Walrus, said, “to talk of many things,
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and Kings
And why the sea is boiling hot and weather pigs have wings.”
-- Lewis Carol, Through the Looking Glass
Which is to say, time to get down to the nitty gritty. A socialist in name only, president Barack Obama, knows instinctively which side the bread is buttered on. He came out today with renewed attacks on special interests. Of course, he is referring to special special interests, that is, those not already in his camp. That would currently be the health care insurance companies. He is definitely not talking about General Electric, which is on the global warming gravy train. He is not talking about the United Steel Workers, whose boss he made a Commissar and which, along with other construction industries, are economic stimulus payees. Apparently he doesn't mean big drug makers or ARRP or the AMA. He is certainly not talking about auto, banking, political action groups, community organizers, or government unions who he are in his back pocket ( or his front pockets since the back ones are overflowing). There’s hardly anyone or anything left to threaten or pay off, except for us, the regular taxpayers of this country.
However, and unfortunately for him and most professional politicians, at the town halls and tea parties, the people have spoken. What they said is not necessarily what any one person or faction has said or would say. Nevertheless, what they said is clear. They want change but not BHO’s kind of change. They want actual accountability and openness, not the kind promised but never delivered by politicians of any party or any era. What they want most of all is the end of a corrupt system that they see as enriching the political and corporate participants at their expense.
What they complain about goes by many names: corruption and payoffs come to mind; but also executive bonuses, bail-outs, stimulus packages, campaign contributions, and earmarks are on their hit list. The later are openly the stock and trade of the professional politician. Governor Blaggovich was a prime example of the former: the corrupt politician par excellance. He made no excuses for selling office. Charlie Wrangle, currently under investigation by congress, is a current example of political corruption of the ‘look the other way, wink and a nod’ variety. That is, everyone knows it and ‘every one does it type’. He took it a little too far so he has to wear the scarlet ‘C’. If he isn't reelected, he probably has a lobbyist job waiting. However, maybe, just maybe, at long last and finally, the informed and sovereign voter is saying no more to the pervasive and systematic spoil system that is our political system from top to bottom.
This would be real change. The lobbyist and campaign contribution is the live blood of the current system. How to change without creating something worse has always been the difficulty. Can you imagine no lobbyists, non-millionaire congress members, citizen legislators?
It is hard to imagine a no lobbyists system because of the informational roll they play. Legislation regarding major segments of commerce is too complicated for anyone not in that segment of commerce to understand. What congress has been giving us are 1,000 plus page monstrosities that are written by corporate lobbyists or by the most partisan elements of the party in power.
(Foot note: Of course it seems to me that it is mostly the Democrat party that does this. See the stimulus package that was written by communist Van Jones and contains huge grants for radical Party activists. Compare that to the Patriot Act. The worse the Democrats seem to have found in that bill is powers to eavesdrop on terrorist communication, powers law enforcement already had regarding organized crime. By the way, it recently occurred to me that there probably was actual communication of domestic political groups that they definitely did not want heard. It wasn't just an intellectual exercise in free speech for some of the left.)
These massive omnibus bills generally provide specifically for preemption of state law. That means the laws passed by our state representatives and the common law developed over centuries by the give and take of our court system can be wiped out by the stroke of a pen in Washington. If a faction, whether a group with some political clout or an industry group represented by lobbyists, has their ambitions stymied by state law, they can resort to federal legislation. Of course it helps to have cooperative federal judges. This is in fact becoming the favored modus operandi of some political and industry groups. (i.e. environmentalists with just about everything they want; and yes, the insurance industry and medical lobbies as with the EISA and HIPAA.) Sometimes these laws impose massive regulation, sometimes they free some practices from federal and/or state regulation. Sometimes they put roadblocks in the way of redress of grievances. As stated elsewhere in this blog, this type of action is not necessarily what is meant by free market economic policies, although there are some who hide their sharp business practices behind that claim.
If there were no lobbyist for special interests, what would fill the power vacuum? Could we trust the press, the lawyers, and communistic Party Commissars of Barack Obama to give us a legitimate representative democracy? The founders of this nation could imagine a democracy and they embodied it into the framework and checks and balances of the constitution. (The Commissars probably do not fit in that framework, a free press does, and lawyers and our jury system will always be needed to fight against self serving bureaucratic regulation in government and industry.) The constitution has been called an imperfect document. Ben Franklin said that the constitution gave us a republic, if we could keep it. Thomas Jefferson said that every generation had to protect and earn their freedom or they would lose it. So I guess that is the best we can do. It has served us well so far; we had better busy ourselves with keeping it. What to do with the likes of ENRON, Van Jones, ACORN lobbyists, GE lobbyists, Oil lobbyists, Green Peace lobbyists... We must exercise discrimination, judgement, and common sense. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Lyndon LaRouche Youth Activists Have a Plan Too
This group does not like BHO policies, especially health care at the moment. I have to like that. They say that the HMO's were the beginning of the problems for health care. The bankers' main ploy apparently, is to entice us and government to spend beyond our means. That makes sense to me too, but I didn't know it was an organized conspiracy. They do not like England because the global elite bankers are mostly from there. I do not know about that and do not think I will ever find out; it's got to be quite secret. It appears that Kaiser Wilhelm caught on but too late. They tricked him into WWI to destroy the German competition. I agree that Germany had a good thing going at the time (although starting down the road to socialism since Bismark), too bad things went wrong. I liked the Czar too, and certainly even the Brits don't trust the Brits. Anyway, they put in Hitler and after many steps and missteps, they arrived at today where they are behind President Obama's plans (the elite bankers that is, not LaRouchites). LaRouche is definitely against those plans and draws a Hitler mustache on Obama's picture to show what he thinks of him. I guess I agree with most of that. By definition, BHO policies are fascist and getting worse.
However, Obama's policies also are communistic, and THAT the LaRouchites do not seem to mind. (I could be wrong.) They think that FDR's policies were putting the bankers in their place until Trueman came along and put them back in charge. (Actually, under this conspiracy model, wasn't FDR's spending spree creating more debt for the global bankers to finance?) Mr. LaRouche seems to be pro organized labor too. Going along with Mr. LaRouche sounds a little bit like out of the frying pan into the fire. After JFK, whose contribution to the plot was to get assassinated,which was such a bummer it put the 60's generation into a suicidal death spiral, came a lot of financial schemes that robbed us more and more. Nixon took our gold, then finally we collapsed, but we do not quite know it yet.
I guess what they say we get next is Weimar style hyperinflation. I guess I should take what is left of my IRA out of stock mutual funds and put it into gold. (There isn't much else that would escape, right?) Mr. LaRouche's current plan of survival is to grant bankruptcy like protection to banks (only "legitimate" banks, apparently not the international elite ones) and mortgage holders. We could stop paying our mortgage payments to the banks but the banks would be OK since they would not have to pay anyone either. If only I could call Glenn Beck, maybe he could explain all this.