
Friday, November 20, 2009

Profiles in Courage?

Senator Ben Nelson (Nebraska) is a liar, a fraud, and a hypocrite. He says that he opposes the healthcare bill but will vote for opening the debate. This is the procedural vote that the Democrats and BHO need to get around the 60 vote majority in the US Senate and Senator Nelson knows it. He thinks that he can lie to his constituents who he knows oppose the bill. That's why I refer to them as the Democrat party not the "Democratic Party." There is nothing democratic about them. Mark Levin clearly states this. Does Judge Napolitano? (That is of Brian and Judge talk show fame.) No, I do not think so because he seems to have a large blind spot when it comes to trusting Democrats and taking their statements at face value once in awhile.

Probably no Democrat Senator will oppose the healthcare bill because they are on the take. The fix is in. BHO and the Central Committee of the Party will threaten them and/or promise the world. (Cf. Senator Laundry of Louisiana, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.) They will point out that with their approval already down, they won't be reelected anyhow and they will promise either hundreds of millions for their state or a cushy, prestigious job for themselves. So even if they oppose it and have promised to vote against it they may end of voting for the healthcare bill anyway. It would take real courage to oppose the Central Committee (Axilrod, Emanuel, BHO, etc.).

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