
Monday, November 2, 2009

The Election

I have again been derelict in my journalistic duties. With elections tomorrow, I have not endorsed anyone or anything. To tell the truth, I have seldom taken an interest in electoral politics. There has seldom been a candidate or issue to stimulate my excitement or interest. The only exceptions I can think of were Ronald Reagan, for whom I volunteered at the local offices to help on phones. The other exception was the last presidential election and my interest was chiefly in opposing BHO, and of course in supporting Sarah Palin.

In our upcoming local election in Pierce County, State of Washington, I have only a few favorites.

James Postma, who was at the Puyallup tea party last Friday is solidly conservative. He is running in the 9th Congressional District (not my district). I spoke to some of his supporters and campaign workers. I wanted to speak to Mr. Postma but it was so crowded at the indoor event that I could not get to him without exacerbating my claustrophobia and getting too warm. They really needed a much larger space. Mr. Posta opposes cap-and-trade, which I see as the most important issue that will probably still be before congress. He is in favor of developing our own energy sources. He would try to cut taxes and end the various government spending so-called stimuli.

Mr. Charles Kelly Creso is running for the Port of Tacoma Board of Commissioners. I do not know if he is an independent, Libertarian, or even a Democrat; I do not believe he would identify himself as a Republican, but he is honest and energetic. He ran for City Council not long ago and he is well known to that body as someone who holds them accountable. His family has been in Tacoma for at least four generations but he isn't in any old boy network. He will not rubber stamp any proposal whether from environmentalists or from a deep pockets port tenant. He does his research. (Would he every oppose the international longshoreman's hooligans society? -- I do not really know, but then who can oppose them? I am not any kind of expert on that question, but longshoreman have always seem to me to have too much clout.) Kelly will do his best for the port, the city, and the region.

As I look through the voter's pamphlet, I see Mr. Richard "Dick" Muri running for the Pierce County Council, District No. 6. I believe that he will hold down tax increases as much as possible. Although he has a masters degree in environmental science, which makes him suspect in my book, he states that his knowledge will help ensure legislation is based upon valid science. I do like scientists and I am glad to see several candidates with scientific backgrounds. Up until the global warming scam, I always thought that sciences teach logical analysis. Many college students avoid science because they rightly believe that they don't have the intellect. They study psychology, sociology, journalism, political science, or education instead. Apparently, they have also infiltrated atmospheric science.

Apropos to my lack of electoral knowledge, I see that I made two errors in my post of yesterday. The RINO actually supported the Democrat when she dropped out. Can you beleive that? Also it was in New York not New Jersey. It's all back east to me.

1 comment:

  1. When I went to vote, I discouvered that I had read about Mr. Muri in the pamphlet for the last election. I understand he did win and is doing a good job. As I said, since Reagan, I have not kept up with elections. Why don't we have more Sarah Palins?
