
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why Sarah?

The reason that I opposed the candidate Obama from the start was not for any of the reasons that the media, the democrat propagandists (which is really the same thing), or even the average Democratic voter (including some of my relatives) said that I opposed him. That is, because he was part black, the son of a young white mother seduced by a successful foreign black intellectual, a past dope smoking student radical, a secret Muslim, and the Antichrist. (I may not have these quite right and probably am leaving out a lot, but really, I cannot be bothered with remembering a lot of irrelevant nonsense.) The reason that I opposed him then and now is that he is a socialist. I stated that in a letter to the editor, (which the Seattle PI actually published) in response to an offensive cartoon that they ran alleging the above motives to McCain supporters. I thought that there was evidence, based upon his past affiliations, that he would attempt to destroy the last vestiges of our free market capitalism and I was right.

There is not a lot on which to base ones support of Sarah Palin either but there is enough evidence for hope. With her also, we cannot look to the democrat influenced press for much help defining her important qualities. They are stuck on stupid as usual, as they were with Barack Obama. I do not care about her clothing, her diction, or her family as much as I care about her opinions. I recently did see a web news article that quoted her facebook. She apparently wrote that her political views were: "less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint." Additionally, "whatever her plans, they definitely include continuing to run against the media," according to Melinda Henneberger

When Sarah Palin was chosen by John McCain as his vice presidential running mate, I finally felt some optimism in that dismal time of foreboding catastrophe. So far, I have not been disappointed with Sarah, or with the foreboding. The press and the Democrats (again, I repeat myself) are apparently in agreement that she is a strong and promising force for change, otherwise why would they attack her?

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