
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Get Your Red Green Card Here

What is the connection between environmentalism and socialism (aka Progressives, Communism, Marxism...)? I don't know for sure but there seems to be a lot of interconnected political threads running throughout both movements. A starting point to collect and try to analyse a lot of the treads is Van Jones, the new Green Job Commissar. I have just been reading about him after listening to Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill Cunningham. There are internet articles for and against him but none differ much in their litany of all of the organizations and individuals he has been associated with. They show me that my opinion of his boss, BHO, from almost the first time I heard him, was correct.

Without trying to put it all together, I see: youth summit on climate, central planning, green for all, solar power, US Imperialism, eco-apartheid, spread the wealth, reclaim the revolution, Marxist Leninism, Apollo Alliance, change the whole system, class justice, racial justice, Weathermen, Black Panthers, ACORN, Tides Center...

I could see a present day Joe McCarthy standing before congress waving a sheaf of paper, "I have a list..." The paper would only contain a list the party commissars (i.e. President Obama's Czars - see "Czars or Commissars" in this blog).

Mr. Jones says he is a communist. He says he wants to use environmentalism to advance social justice and equality.

This is just great but he does not add a few other term that would have to come into play: Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Fascism, gulags, re-education, big brother, permanent under production and unemployment, poverty, riots, war, gun confiscation, mind-control, media control, 1984, Gestapo, Chickenshitnewworld...

Freedom? What in the world could be the use of that?

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