
Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Energy Discovery

If you want to discover a new energy source, find out about nuclear. It's not new but the information in the following linked article was new to me. If what the author of this article is saying is even half correct, why is anyone concerned about developing new sources of energy? We have about the closest thing to a perfect source in nuclear energy. The main issue in the energy debate should be how to restart the nuclear program. As the article points out, even the waste is 95% recyclable. Our current misguided nuclear waste storage methods, dating to the Carter administration, put up an artificial hurdle to a viable program. We utilise an extremely wastefully and ecologically unsound method of storing so-called waste, which is actually a very valuable byproduct that can be recycled in power production or in nuclear medicine applications.

If anyone wants to pursue conspiracy theories, this seems to me to be fertile ground. Both the cap-and-traders and fossil fuelers would stand to lose big time. One or both must be behind the antinuclear propaganda campaign.

See story by Ray Harvey at the von Mises Institute:

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