Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Puorto Rico State Number 51
Did you hear that congress is voting for Puorto Rican statehood? Neither had I untill Glenn Beck this morning. See:
I emailed my representative in congress:
At a time when federal spending levels threaten the stability and future of our economy, it does not make sense to push a bill that favors admitting a 51st state that is so poor that taxpayer-funded welfare benefit spending would be guaranteed.
Also the stealth methods of this bill that are designed to deceive both the US and Porto Rican voters are repugnant to democracy and my idea of a deliberative representative legislature.
Will Democrat Norm Dicks care? I doubt it.
I emailed my representative in congress:
At a time when federal spending levels threaten the stability and future of our economy, it does not make sense to push a bill that favors admitting a 51st state that is so poor that taxpayer-funded welfare benefit spending would be guaranteed.
Also the stealth methods of this bill that are designed to deceive both the US and Porto Rican voters are repugnant to democracy and my idea of a deliberative representative legislature.
Will Democrat Norm Dicks care? I doubt it.
Glen Beck,
Norm Dicks,
Puorto Rico,
totalitarian methods
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lamestream Press: None So Blind
Two incongruous news stories are worthy of note. Last weekend, Bill Moyers on his penultimate broadcast (thank God) of the Journal on public TV decried the death of investigative journalism. I am moved to ask myself what he could possibly mean by that. Given the current shenanigans of our federal government, the field seems ripe for this endeavor. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, now would seem to be the heyday of investigative journalism.
The other story was on Glenn Beck’s radio show this morning and apparently last night on television. This is the Frank Raines man-made global warming connection. As head of Fannie May, Mr. Raines made millions for himself while contributing to world wide economic melt down. (See Time Magazine article regarding the top 25 individuals responsible). It seems while he was bundling questionable mortgagees, just as the banks are being demonized for, he was setting up the structure for creating and trading carbon credits with Fannie May funds. All the interconnections are very murky and hard to follow. Glenn does his best with his blackboard. There are connections with the usual progressive and liberal money groups. Goldman Sachs, George Soros, and London are in there along with Al Gore and global warming crowd. I have to check out Glenn Beck's cite to get the full scoop. This is a fruitful area for investigation to my simple mind.
The other story was on Glenn Beck’s radio show this morning and apparently last night on television. This is the Frank Raines man-made global warming connection. As head of Fannie May, Mr. Raines made millions for himself while contributing to world wide economic melt down. (See Time Magazine article regarding the top 25 individuals responsible). It seems while he was bundling questionable mortgagees, just as the banks are being demonized for, he was setting up the structure for creating and trading carbon credits with Fannie May funds. All the interconnections are very murky and hard to follow. Glenn does his best with his blackboard. There are connections with the usual progressive and liberal money groups. Goldman Sachs, George Soros, and London are in there along with Al Gore and global warming crowd. I have to check out Glenn Beck's cite to get the full scoop. This is a fruitful area for investigation to my simple mind.
Senate Banking Committee Republicans Stink
The Senate Banking committee voted to bring the financial regulation bill to the floor for debate. This was a necessary step toward becoming law. They held out for a lousy three days. Now the president says that he wants the bill passed as soon as possible, just as he has wanted every other major restructuring of our country done. Conservatives do not want it done at all, if we can stop it. If we can't stop it, then why not delay as much as possible?
"It is time for this debate to begin," said Democrat chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Chris J. Dodd of Connecticut. “And it must be a serious, vigorous debate."
“Now that those bipartisan negotiations have ended, it is my hope that the majority’s avowed interest in improving this legislation on the Senate floor is genuine and the partisan gamesmanship is over," said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell.
And if it is't over, just exactly what will you do about it, Senator McConnell? So we will have a debate like we had for global warming that was over before it began. The Democrats and the media will call the Republicans a few names and make some threats. They will find a few Republicans to cave in and end debate. They will insert pay-offs to reluctant Democrats and deem it finished. If need be, they will find a procedural means of passing the bill over a threatened filibuster. The bottom line is that BHO and the Democrats have managed to have their way with everything so far, by hook or by crook. The Republicans may demand a few meaningless minor amendments and probably not even get those. They will cave as usual. They won't even save face. They are chickenshits.
With the possible exception of Cap-and-Trade, as has been said here before, this proposed bill purporting to be "common sense" rules of fair play, is the most destructive of our freedom of any of their schemes so far.
Will the bill have 4,000 pages or 10,000? Whether it is called a consumer protection law or a preventive measure to avoid bailouts, what it will be is a take-over of financial institutions by the federal government. Yes, this is fascism by definition. Yes it is corruption. Bureaucrats answering to the president will be able to control and channel money for their progressive and political ends. Some will also go to building their dachas of course.
"It is time for this debate to begin," said Democrat chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Chris J. Dodd of Connecticut. “And it must be a serious, vigorous debate."
“Now that those bipartisan negotiations have ended, it is my hope that the majority’s avowed interest in improving this legislation on the Senate floor is genuine and the partisan gamesmanship is over," said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell.
And if it is't over, just exactly what will you do about it, Senator McConnell? So we will have a debate like we had for global warming that was over before it began. The Democrats and the media will call the Republicans a few names and make some threats. They will find a few Republicans to cave in and end debate. They will insert pay-offs to reluctant Democrats and deem it finished. If need be, they will find a procedural means of passing the bill over a threatened filibuster. The bottom line is that BHO and the Democrats have managed to have their way with everything so far, by hook or by crook. The Republicans may demand a few meaningless minor amendments and probably not even get those. They will cave as usual. They won't even save face. They are chickenshits.
With the possible exception of Cap-and-Trade, as has been said here before, this proposed bill purporting to be "common sense" rules of fair play, is the most destructive of our freedom of any of their schemes so far.
Will the bill have 4,000 pages or 10,000? Whether it is called a consumer protection law or a preventive measure to avoid bailouts, what it will be is a take-over of financial institutions by the federal government. Yes, this is fascism by definition. Yes it is corruption. Bureaucrats answering to the president will be able to control and channel money for their progressive and political ends. Some will also go to building their dachas of course.
financial system,
totalitarian methods
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Roy Spencer, Hallelujah Climate Truth at Last
A Scientist, Roy Spenser (a REAL scientist), on Coast to Coast tonight knows what he is talking about regarding Global Warming. He says that scientists have been making basic logical blunders. Many of the others are voicing what they heard, over and over, without doing their own work on the subject. Furthermore they are not even doing research on alternative explanations. I agree. This scientist did his own work to find their errors. Of course, for the most part he isn't listened to (yet).
He is funded by the US Government, not the oil companies, etc. which would of course be the first response.
There are no large scale substitutes for carbon based fossil fuel. This guy is saying what I thought was obvious but everyone ignores. He also had access to the data and the time to work through their formulas.
He does say that man is probably responsible for the slight increases of CO2 in the atmosphere. But so what, it doesn't cause warming. In fact it is good for life on earth.
This is the guy I have been waiting for.
He is funded by the US Government, not the oil companies, etc. which would of course be the first response.
There are no large scale substitutes for carbon based fossil fuel. This guy is saying what I thought was obvious but everyone ignores. He also had access to the data and the time to work through their formulas.
He does say that man is probably responsible for the slight increases of CO2 in the atmosphere. But so what, it doesn't cause warming. In fact it is good for life on earth.
This is the guy I have been waiting for.
Coast to Coast,
global warming,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tax and Control
Tax and Control,Tax and Control...who in their right mind could be going along with this stuff? Ronald Reagan knew that lower tax and more freedom is the best option. I thought that most of us agreed. We let our guard down and now the progressives are coming at us from every direction. Progressives, by the way, believe that a vast array of government rules administered by an army of bureaucrats can bring about the optimal social/economic results. There is a fundamental disagreement here between advocates of freedom and advocates of control. I thought that Noam Chomsky and his like were on the ash heap of history but no more. I do not think that any arguments, such as those advanced in the last hundred or so posts on this cite, will ever make a dent in their thinking. All we can do is fight the good fight in the knowledge that truth in the end will prevail.
I have a copy of Ludvig von Mises' book "Bureaucracy." I can't find my copy right now. It is highly recommended reading. The US Senate today fought off the Wall Street take-over bill. Conservatives in Congress must not give in an inch. We need to support good conservative candidates to the best of our ability in order to have a fighting chance.
See what Sarah Palin has to say about this Pennsylvania politician she endorses at Time for Choosing, linked to this blog:
"Tim Burns:
The Businessman vs. the Bureaucrat
In a year when Americans are desperate for job growth and frustrated with the reckless spending in Washington, the candidates running in the special election in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District epitomize the problem and the solution. It’s a race between a career Washington bureaucrat and a small business entrepreneur...."
Check out the rest of her remarks by going to my profile and scrolling to the bottom. April 26 is the post I quoted above (but they are all good.)
I have a copy of Ludvig von Mises' book "Bureaucracy." I can't find my copy right now. It is highly recommended reading. The US Senate today fought off the Wall Street take-over bill. Conservatives in Congress must not give in an inch. We need to support good conservative candidates to the best of our ability in order to have a fighting chance.
See what Sarah Palin has to say about this Pennsylvania politician she endorses at Time for Choosing, linked to this blog:
"Tim Burns:
The Businessman vs. the Bureaucrat
In a year when Americans are desperate for job growth and frustrated with the reckless spending in Washington, the candidates running in the special election in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District epitomize the problem and the solution. It’s a race between a career Washington bureaucrat and a small business entrepreneur...."
Check out the rest of her remarks by going to my profile and scrolling to the bottom. April 26 is the post I quoted above (but they are all good.)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Celebrate Earth Day with George Carlin
Mark Levin played these remarks of George Carlin to commemorate Earth Day today. It was touching.
Remarks on ecology and saving the planet, Very appropriate and timely.
Remarks on ecology and saving the planet, Very appropriate and timely.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
All We Are Saying Is Give Freedom a Chance
The Tea Partiers, unlike how they are being characterised by the major (lamestream) media, are peaceful. Basically, tea party goers have better things to do than become active in politics. They (and me too) just want to be left alone, both by others and by the government. We are being forced into politics. (Michael Savage makes this point.) I have been called a Nazi by a local politician when I told him that I always vote Republican. He was a Democrat. I was called a racist and sexist by a passing driver just because I had a John McCain bumber sticker. (I plan to paste "Sarah Palin" over half of my bummber sticker that says veterans for McCain.) I have seen violent riots and I have seen violent protesters on television. They were left wing protesters and rioters of course. Everyone knows this. Obama, his Central Committee, his commissars, his lap-dog press, his Obama Squads are obviously trying to deceive the simple minded.
The Tea Parties remind me of non-violent anti-war protests of the 60's and 70's. When and if the tea partiers are confronted by left wing provocateurs, they should sit down and sing "All we are saying is give freedom a chance."
The Tea Parties remind me of non-violent anti-war protests of the 60's and 70's. When and if the tea partiers are confronted by left wing provocateurs, they should sit down and sing "All we are saying is give freedom a chance."
central commitee,
Obama Squads,
Sarah Palin,
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Cliff Mass: You will believe. THAT'S AN ORDER!!
Cliff Mass is a professor at a Sate University here, I believe the University of Washington. He wrote a book: The Weather of the Pacific Northwest. The other day, on Public Television,he gave a very interesting lecture regarding the types of local weather patterns and their causes. However, he wrapped up with a quick and dirty condescending discussion of Man-Made-Global-Warming (mmgw). Condescending because, although he obviously had not made a detailed study of the issues, he gave us the same old lines: yes it is real, us scientists say so. You will believe. THAT'S AN ORDER!!
He says we should picture CO2 as a blanket around the Earth. OF COURSE it is warming, he assures us. He does not say, and may not know, what a thread-bare blanket it is. Science is nothing without magnitudes -- measured with NUMBERS -- What a concept.
His discussion consisted of a few statements and a few charts. It was interesting that his pages showing the coming warming were printed in darker and darker shades of red. His graph, employed a highly skewed choice of scale to show that CO2 concentration on earth's atmosphere has grown from a tiny, tiny line at the bottom of the chart straight up, up, up -- It shoots up off the page lake a rocket launched into the stratosphere. In fact the CO2 concentration has increased over 50 or so years from about 300 parts per million to a little over 400 per million. (I believe those are the approximate claimed figures.) So with a different choice of scale, the graph would appear to not even move. The change would not even be visible. Obviously, a choice of scale somewhere in between would be appropriate. Scientists know this; they often spend a few minutes lecturing on the proper choice of scale to convey information on a graph properly. I have never heard a scientist explain how to choice a scale that would be persuasive of a disputed issue. Real scientists go out of their way to develop and sympathetically address the opposing point of view; they do not intentionally misrepresent it. This scientist is a fraud.
By the way, they are constantly telling us that we cannot draw conclusions about climate, which is a very long term phenomenon, from observations over a short period of time. Why then does the CO2 change over a few decades matter? (Because it is caused by industrialization, they will say, and that is something new.) That it is caused by industrialization is a hypothesis yet to be proved. In any case, it is significant that they have not measured the concentrations every 50 years for the last 10,000 years. I do not think they could measure that. They may have connected the dots of many (questionable) observation in ice cores, which have gaps of hundreds if not thousand of years. They assume that past concentrations are continuous and smooth because there was no industrialization to cause spikes in the concentrations. That is, they are assuming as true that which is to be proved. (Which is to say they are self-deluded, dishonest fools.)
He says we should picture CO2 as a blanket around the Earth. OF COURSE it is warming, he assures us. He does not say, and may not know, what a thread-bare blanket it is. Science is nothing without magnitudes -- measured with NUMBERS -- What a concept.
His discussion consisted of a few statements and a few charts. It was interesting that his pages showing the coming warming were printed in darker and darker shades of red. His graph, employed a highly skewed choice of scale to show that CO2 concentration on earth's atmosphere has grown from a tiny, tiny line at the bottom of the chart straight up, up, up -- It shoots up off the page lake a rocket launched into the stratosphere. In fact the CO2 concentration has increased over 50 or so years from about 300 parts per million to a little over 400 per million. (I believe those are the approximate claimed figures.) So with a different choice of scale, the graph would appear to not even move. The change would not even be visible. Obviously, a choice of scale somewhere in between would be appropriate. Scientists know this; they often spend a few minutes lecturing on the proper choice of scale to convey information on a graph properly. I have never heard a scientist explain how to choice a scale that would be persuasive of a disputed issue. Real scientists go out of their way to develop and sympathetically address the opposing point of view; they do not intentionally misrepresent it. This scientist is a fraud.
By the way, they are constantly telling us that we cannot draw conclusions about climate, which is a very long term phenomenon, from observations over a short period of time. Why then does the CO2 change over a few decades matter? (Because it is caused by industrialization, they will say, and that is something new.) That it is caused by industrialization is a hypothesis yet to be proved. In any case, it is significant that they have not measured the concentrations every 50 years for the last 10,000 years. I do not think they could measure that. They may have connected the dots of many (questionable) observation in ice cores, which have gaps of hundreds if not thousand of years. They assume that past concentrations are continuous and smooth because there was no industrialization to cause spikes in the concentrations. That is, they are assuming as true that which is to be proved. (Which is to say they are self-deluded, dishonest fools.)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Neutrality, Thy Name is Government?
One of the biggest area newspaper, The Seattle Times, calls for Government control over internet providers to provide neutrality. We are not stupid. If an internet provider’s service is lacking, there are dozens more we can change to. One result of government regulation is barriers to entry. When government imposes complicated regulations, such as 3,000 page laws, only the largest firms can comply. Government complications impose costs and eventually require court interpretations, law suits, and hundreds and hundreds of attorneys. Furthermore, if government enforcement of regulation would be so neutral, why did the Democrats always block President Bush’s nominees for federal judges? Why did the Democrats raise holy hell when president Bush fired a few federal attorney’s who were part of his own executive branch? Why are the Democrats constantly attacking (and implicitly call for regulation of) news media that are antagonistic to their aims? Why did the Democrats have a cow over Patriot Act provisions to wire tap calls from Islamic countries but now use the Patriot Act provisions to monitor domestic dissenters to their policies? Why should we trust government regarding regulation of the internet?
free press,
totalitarian methods
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mike Malloy - Sean Hannity Running Dishonest Charity Video
Mike Malloy - Sean Hannity Running Dishonest Charity Video
Here is the "reasonable" response from the left.
Here is the "reasonable" response from the left.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Doctor Dean Edell's Economics Lecture Series
It is not easy to lose patience with radio doctor Dean Edell, after all he is a doctor. However, his digressions into economics and politics show his utter lack of understanding in these areas. If he wishes to join the ongoing debate between freedom and the progressive movement, he should familiarize himself with the issues and the arguments thus far advanced. He is disappointed and dismayed with those who oppose social justice and helping people. By equating these two ideas, he has already fallen into the trap of the progressives. Progressives use the fact that there are people in need of our help to enlarge their control over industry, banking, the environment, and in short every aspect of our lives. Communists blatantly used calls for social justice to advance revolution, and of course their own power. Progressive are only slightly more subtle. We are saying enough is enough.
Everyone wants to help the needy but we do not have to sacrifice our freedom. The history of the 20th Century teaches that generosity and freedom go hand in hand. Who has been more generous to all that the Land of the Free? The case against the progressive movement is made stronger each day by their own actions. Dr. Edell's discourse does not transcend the talking points of the left. By the way he is not paying attention to the benefits of dietary supplements such as herbs and vitamins either. He reads many studies but extends his conclusions far beyond the studies' actual results. He says essentially that most if not all supplements are useless. Just as medically he cannot see beyond the pages of the AMA approved journals, politically, he does not see beyond Colbert, Olbermann, and John Stewart.
Everyone wants to help the needy but we do not have to sacrifice our freedom. The history of the 20th Century teaches that generosity and freedom go hand in hand. Who has been more generous to all that the Land of the Free? The case against the progressive movement is made stronger each day by their own actions. Dr. Edell's discourse does not transcend the talking points of the left. By the way he is not paying attention to the benefits of dietary supplements such as herbs and vitamins either. He reads many studies but extends his conclusions far beyond the studies' actual results. He says essentially that most if not all supplements are useless. Just as medically he cannot see beyond the pages of the AMA approved journals, politically, he does not see beyond Colbert, Olbermann, and John Stewart.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Republican Minds Held Hostage: Copenhagen Syndrome?
Too many Republicans are becoming appeasers because they fear the mainstream press, which calls the Tea Partiers domestic extremists.
The main stream media (aka: The Drive-bys, the Government Controlled Press [GCP], the Lame-Stream Press) are domestic extremist groups in their attacks on freedom. We should not be intimidated by their propaganda. Propaganda takes many forms but it always has at least an element of untruth. Some of their statements and claims of dubious truth are as follows:
Doubtable declarations of the GCP, a sampling of items: unproven, highly doubtable Man-made Global Warming [mmgw] proclamations of long standing, now newly repeated. Greed of Bankers caused the meltdown (as if bankers now are any less greedy that ever). "We just want to help you" (Twilight Zone stuff, not to mention 1984 Big Brotherism)
More recently: Conservatives are accused of being "domestic extremists" (letters to the governors demanding resignation, group arrested in WI after FBI agent provocateur op with implied connections to tea parties); another attack on Catholic Church and the Pope; another attack on GOP and chairman Steele (many GOP’s suffering from Copenhagen syndrome go along with this one especially: their minds are held hostage by the GCP), the economy is improving; government health care will save money; Obama now will allow drilling for oil (that’s a good one); and for that matter – Obama is a moderate (everyone should have seen through that one by now); Obama is so smart (right), man-made global warming (we’ve stopped messing around, its time that You Will Believe, or else); Government takeover of student loans will save money by eliminating the "middleman" (the progressives will always eliminate the middleman, that is private enterprise, and the little man, by appropriating more and more power for government.)
Oh, I almost forgot, the Tea Party isn't racist either. Progressive schemes are what the Tea Party doesn't want. All races are welcome and encouraged to join the fight for freedom. As we know the progressive ideology is bankrupt. The Progressive deck has only a few cards: racism is the card that has worked best for them in the past. Common sense conservatives have no reason to fear it or them.
One more: Toyota cars are no good, according to the GCP. I used to prefer GM and was leaning toward the Chrysler Charger. No more; until they are again free, I will go with Ford, Toyota, and KIA. Also, Chinese products are probably being unfairly attacked. This is a scheme to enact tariffs by the back door.
The main stream media (aka: The Drive-bys, the Government Controlled Press [GCP], the Lame-Stream Press) are domestic extremist groups in their attacks on freedom. We should not be intimidated by their propaganda. Propaganda takes many forms but it always has at least an element of untruth. Some of their statements and claims of dubious truth are as follows:
Doubtable declarations of the GCP, a sampling of items: unproven, highly doubtable Man-made Global Warming [mmgw] proclamations of long standing, now newly repeated. Greed of Bankers caused the meltdown (as if bankers now are any less greedy that ever). "We just want to help you" (Twilight Zone stuff, not to mention 1984 Big Brotherism)
More recently: Conservatives are accused of being "domestic extremists" (letters to the governors demanding resignation, group arrested in WI after FBI agent provocateur op with implied connections to tea parties); another attack on Catholic Church and the Pope; another attack on GOP and chairman Steele (many GOP’s suffering from Copenhagen syndrome go along with this one especially: their minds are held hostage by the GCP), the economy is improving; government health care will save money; Obama now will allow drilling for oil (that’s a good one); and for that matter – Obama is a moderate (everyone should have seen through that one by now); Obama is so smart (right), man-made global warming (we’ve stopped messing around, its time that You Will Believe, or else); Government takeover of student loans will save money by eliminating the "middleman" (the progressives will always eliminate the middleman, that is private enterprise, and the little man, by appropriating more and more power for government.)
Oh, I almost forgot, the Tea Party isn't racist either. Progressive schemes are what the Tea Party doesn't want. All races are welcome and encouraged to join the fight for freedom. As we know the progressive ideology is bankrupt. The Progressive deck has only a few cards: racism is the card that has worked best for them in the past. Common sense conservatives have no reason to fear it or them.
One more: Toyota cars are no good, according to the GCP. I used to prefer GM and was leaning toward the Chrysler Charger. No more; until they are again free, I will go with Ford, Toyota, and KIA. Also, Chinese products are probably being unfairly attacked. This is a scheme to enact tariffs by the back door.
Drive bys,
global warming,
race card,
tea party
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