
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Roy Spencer, Hallelujah Climate Truth at Last

A Scientist, Roy Spenser (a REAL scientist), on Coast to Coast tonight knows what he is talking about regarding Global Warming. He says that scientists have been making basic logical blunders. Many of the others are voicing what they heard, over and over, without doing their own work on the subject. Furthermore they are not even doing research on alternative explanations. I agree. This scientist did his own work to find their errors. Of course, for the most part he isn't listened to (yet).

He is funded by the US Government, not the oil companies, etc. which would of course be the first response.

There are no large scale substitutes for carbon based fossil fuel. This guy is saying what I thought was obvious but everyone ignores. He also had access to the data and the time to work through their formulas.

He does say that man is probably responsible for the slight increases of CO2 in the atmosphere. But so what, it doesn't cause warming. In fact it is good for life on earth.

This is the guy I have been waiting for.

1 comment:

  1. He wrote a book, somthing about a global warming blunder, climate gate, etc., look it up.
