
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Senate Banking Committee Republicans Stink

The Senate Banking committee voted to bring the financial regulation bill to the floor for debate. This was a necessary step toward becoming law. They held out for a lousy three days. Now the president says that he wants the bill passed as soon as possible, just as he has wanted every other major restructuring of our country done. Conservatives do not want it done at all, if we can stop it. If we can't stop it, then why not delay as much as possible?

"It is time for this debate to begin," said Democrat chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Chris J. Dodd of Connecticut. “And it must be a serious, vigorous debate."

“Now that those bipartisan negotiations have ended, it is my hope that the majority’s avowed interest in improving this legislation on the Senate floor is genuine and the partisan gamesmanship is over," said Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell.

And if it is't over, just exactly what will you do about it, Senator McConnell? So we will have a debate like we had for global warming that was over before it began. The Democrats and the media will call the Republicans a few names and make some threats. They will find a few Republicans to cave in and end debate. They will insert pay-offs to reluctant Democrats and deem it finished. If need be, they will find a procedural means of passing the bill over a threatened filibuster. The bottom line is that BHO and the Democrats have managed to have their way with everything so far, by hook or by crook. The Republicans may demand a few meaningless minor amendments and probably not even get those. They will cave as usual. They won't even save face. They are chickenshits.

With the possible exception of Cap-and-Trade, as has been said here before, this proposed bill purporting to be "common sense" rules of fair play, is the most destructive of our freedom of any of their schemes so far.

Will the bill have 4,000 pages or 10,000? Whether it is called a consumer protection law or a preventive measure to avoid bailouts, what it will be is a take-over of financial institutions by the federal government. Yes, this is fascism by definition. Yes it is corruption. Bureaucrats answering to the president will be able to control and channel money for their progressive and political ends. Some will also go to building their dachas of course.

1 comment:

  1. With light rail superceeding automobiles, they can direct the railroad lines to the factories and away from the dachas. Keep out the riff-raft you know.
