
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Doctor Dean Edell's Economics Lecture Series

It is not easy to lose patience with radio doctor Dean Edell, after all he is a doctor. However, his digressions into economics and politics show his utter lack of understanding in these areas. If he wishes to join the ongoing debate between freedom and the progressive movement, he should familiarize himself with the issues and the arguments thus far advanced. He is disappointed and dismayed with those who oppose social justice and helping people. By equating these two ideas, he has already fallen into the trap of the progressives. Progressives use the fact that there are people in need of our help to enlarge their control over industry, banking, the environment, and in short every aspect of our lives. Communists blatantly used calls for social justice to advance revolution, and of course their own power. Progressive are only slightly more subtle. We are saying enough is enough.

Everyone wants to help the needy but we do not have to sacrifice our freedom. The history of the 20th Century teaches that generosity and freedom go hand in hand. Who has been more generous to all that the Land of the Free? The case against the progressive movement is made stronger each day by their own actions. Dr. Edell's discourse does not transcend the talking points of the left. By the way he is not paying attention to the benefits of dietary supplements such as herbs and vitamins either. He reads many studies but extends his conclusions far beyond the studies' actual results. He says essentially that most if not all supplements are useless. Just as medically he cannot see beyond the pages of the AMA approved journals, politically, he does not see beyond Colbert, Olbermann, and John Stewart.

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