The hacked emails of the global warming elite (CRU) discuss strategy to hide negative evidence and maintain the global warming scam. So far the only defense they proffer is that the emails were illegally obtained. The emails purportedly are to and from so-called scientists desiring to deceive a gullible populace into believing that global warming is an eminent danger AND is caused by human activity. The purpose: a vehicle for political purposes, one world government, and population control (not to mention their rake-off from the several trillion dollars of redirected (wasted) world resources.) (See examiner .com)
Dr. Tim Ball, much abused global warming denier, has the story. (He is an atmospheric scientist and climate and energy specialist from the University of Winnipeg.) His opinions have long been censured by politicians and so-called scientists.
Will they hide the evidence of the monumental deception plan? They will try.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving: Time for Reflection and Best of on the Radio
Thanksgiving guests gave me the opportunity to keep up with liberal thought by listening to friends and relatives. My brother, who supported BHO because of the bonuses received by corporate CEO, now favors government healthcare. His reasoning is that he can get free healthcare if he quits his job or is laid off. He pointed out how the only construction going on is government projects and how his heating oil delivery job is slow because few are ordering oil for their home. I told him there is little private construction BECAUSE of all the government 'stimulus' spending. Economic resources (usually referred to as Land. Labor, and Capital) are all going to the government. The government, with its money printing press, can always outbid the private sector, especially in economic slowdowns. We need to let prices adjust (mostly downward) for there to be economic recovery. BHO is trying to reinflate the bubble. This has never worked but that does not stop BHO from trying. But yes he can't.
With socialized medicine, I have tried to tell him there's no free lunch. If we cannot individually afford healthcare, how can we afford it collectively. It will turn out as the case of the store door-greeter who gets minimum wage. He is so glad when he hears that the minimum wage is being raised. As soon as it becomes law, he can't understand why the store tells him they don't need a door-greeter anymore. The lesson: you never get what the government promises. Government programs are like the devil's empty promises. They lead us from the true path and never provide what they promise. Again we not only have economic theory to guide us but we also have recent history. Socialism never works and trying again will give us the same disastrous results.
I have already said all this in earlier posts. Another feature of the holidays is that the radio talk show often have 'Best Of' programs. Mark Levin again recaped his report on the four government actions that caused the mortgage/banking collapse last year. He recps the various laws passed, the government agencies empowered, the corruption and growth of government involvement. He makes an excellent case. The Democrat response to these facts is 1) ignore, 2) talking point: not a significant factor because: -------- (fill in the lie). 3) it was cooperate greed, or 4) Ha Ha, there was plenty of blame to go around... followed by solution: MORE government involvement. So typical and of course supported by the lame stream press (as Sarah Palin calls the GCP).
I thought that the latest banking crisis was caused by the government. This was confirmed, I thought, when it came out the Freddy Mac and Fannie May owned or controlled over half of the country's mortgages. I thought that it was obvious for even the biggest ignoramus to understand when the talk shows played multiple speeches of President Bush, John McCain, and other Republicans warning of the pending problems with Freddy and Fanny. They then played the tape of Senator Dodd and other Democrats arguing that it was no problem. The Problem to anyone with eyes to see: BHO, Nancy Pulosi, Harry Ried, Christopher Dodd, Chucky Schumer, and the interventionist policies of the current democrat party.
With socialized medicine, I have tried to tell him there's no free lunch. If we cannot individually afford healthcare, how can we afford it collectively. It will turn out as the case of the store door-greeter who gets minimum wage. He is so glad when he hears that the minimum wage is being raised. As soon as it becomes law, he can't understand why the store tells him they don't need a door-greeter anymore. The lesson: you never get what the government promises. Government programs are like the devil's empty promises. They lead us from the true path and never provide what they promise. Again we not only have economic theory to guide us but we also have recent history. Socialism never works and trying again will give us the same disastrous results.
I have already said all this in earlier posts. Another feature of the holidays is that the radio talk show often have 'Best Of' programs. Mark Levin again recaped his report on the four government actions that caused the mortgage/banking collapse last year. He recps the various laws passed, the government agencies empowered, the corruption and growth of government involvement. He makes an excellent case. The Democrat response to these facts is 1) ignore, 2) talking point: not a significant factor because: -------- (fill in the lie). 3) it was cooperate greed, or 4) Ha Ha, there was plenty of blame to go around... followed by solution: MORE government involvement. So typical and of course supported by the lame stream press (as Sarah Palin calls the GCP).
I thought that the latest banking crisis was caused by the government. This was confirmed, I thought, when it came out the Freddy Mac and Fannie May owned or controlled over half of the country's mortgages. I thought that it was obvious for even the biggest ignoramus to understand when the talk shows played multiple speeches of President Bush, John McCain, and other Republicans warning of the pending problems with Freddy and Fanny. They then played the tape of Senator Dodd and other Democrats arguing that it was no problem. The Problem to anyone with eyes to see: BHO, Nancy Pulosi, Harry Ried, Christopher Dodd, Chucky Schumer, and the interventionist policies of the current democrat party.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Profiles in Courage?
Senator Ben Nelson (Nebraska) is a liar, a fraud, and a hypocrite. He says that he opposes the healthcare bill but will vote for opening the debate. This is the procedural vote that the Democrats and BHO need to get around the 60 vote majority in the US Senate and Senator Nelson knows it. He thinks that he can lie to his constituents who he knows oppose the bill. That's why I refer to them as the Democrat party not the "Democratic Party." There is nothing democratic about them. Mark Levin clearly states this. Does Judge Napolitano? (That is of Brian and Judge talk show fame.) No, I do not think so because he seems to have a large blind spot when it comes to trusting Democrats and taking their statements at face value once in awhile.
Probably no Democrat Senator will oppose the healthcare bill because they are on the take. The fix is in. BHO and the Central Committee of the Party will threaten them and/or promise the world. (Cf. Senator Laundry of Louisiana, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.) They will point out that with their approval already down, they won't be reelected anyhow and they will promise either hundreds of millions for their state or a cushy, prestigious job for themselves. So even if they oppose it and have promised to vote against it they may end of voting for the healthcare bill anyway. It would take real courage to oppose the Central Committee (Axilrod, Emanuel, BHO, etc.).
Probably no Democrat Senator will oppose the healthcare bill because they are on the take. The fix is in. BHO and the Central Committee of the Party will threaten them and/or promise the world. (Cf. Senator Laundry of Louisiana, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.) They will point out that with their approval already down, they won't be reelected anyhow and they will promise either hundreds of millions for their state or a cushy, prestigious job for themselves. So even if they oppose it and have promised to vote against it they may end of voting for the healthcare bill anyway. It would take real courage to oppose the Central Committee (Axilrod, Emanuel, BHO, etc.).
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday Up-Date: More Government, Some Backlash
Is a little common sense really too much to ask? Economics, rightly practiced, does not require a lot beyond common sense: leave commerce alone. Foreign policy is also probably not all that tough either: talk softly, etc. Physical security of the population, within the limits of constitutionally protections, should not be so difficult either. A few days ago, a major in the U.S. Army, an avowed islamist, went on a shooting spree at Ft. Hood, Texas and killed or wounded dozens of people, mostly his fellow service members. His history, views, and associates were known to army authorities. In spite of that knowledge, he remained in his post as a psychiatrist at the Army Hospital. In that capacity, he could have been a useful asset to enemy intelligence. In addition to that, he had made comments regarding his approval of suicide bombing and other terrorist activity in defence of islam. Army security must certainly have had a file on him. Next time maybe political correctness won't prevent preemptive action. (Incidental, Major Hasan was given a small roll in the transition of President Obama into office.) (See: PC Sickness killed Our Soldiers, World Net Daily, 11/08/09)
Besides showing an extreme lack of sense for not acting sooner to get an obviously mentally disturbed individual out of the armed service, it is an insult to the patriotic and law abiding Muslims who live in all the communities of this country. It is as if the government authorities are saying: "This behavior is allowable because he is a Muslim and it is not out of the ordinary for Muslims." More to the point, I have heard, even in my small circle of sensible acquaintances, calls for such things as Japanese style internment camps for Muslims, at least for more visible ones. This would be a travesty of justice and a poor example coming from the land of the free. I have often seen government officials, driven by the public under the influence of mob mentality, adopt policies that punish the innocent in the name of security. That certainly happens everyday around the globe. I do not like seeing it done here in big things or small.
Besides showing an extreme lack of sense for not acting sooner to get an obviously mentally disturbed individual out of the armed service, it is an insult to the patriotic and law abiding Muslims who live in all the communities of this country. It is as if the government authorities are saying: "This behavior is allowable because he is a Muslim and it is not out of the ordinary for Muslims." More to the point, I have heard, even in my small circle of sensible acquaintances, calls for such things as Japanese style internment camps for Muslims, at least for more visible ones. This would be a travesty of justice and a poor example coming from the land of the free. I have often seen government officials, driven by the public under the influence of mob mentality, adopt policies that punish the innocent in the name of security. That certainly happens everyday around the globe. I do not like seeing it done here in big things or small.
Ft. Hood,
political correctness,
travisty of justice
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Election
I have again been derelict in my journalistic duties. With elections tomorrow, I have not endorsed anyone or anything. To tell the truth, I have seldom taken an interest in electoral politics. There has seldom been a candidate or issue to stimulate my excitement or interest. The only exceptions I can think of were Ronald Reagan, for whom I volunteered at the local offices to help on phones. The other exception was the last presidential election and my interest was chiefly in opposing BHO, and of course in supporting Sarah Palin.
In our upcoming local election in Pierce County, State of Washington, I have only a few favorites.
James Postma, who was at the Puyallup tea party last Friday is solidly conservative. He is running in the 9th Congressional District (not my district). I spoke to some of his supporters and campaign workers. I wanted to speak to Mr. Postma but it was so crowded at the indoor event that I could not get to him without exacerbating my claustrophobia and getting too warm. They really needed a much larger space. Mr. Posta opposes cap-and-trade, which I see as the most important issue that will probably still be before congress. He is in favor of developing our own energy sources. He would try to cut taxes and end the various government spending so-called stimuli.
Mr. Charles Kelly Creso is running for the Port of Tacoma Board of Commissioners. I do not know if he is an independent, Libertarian, or even a Democrat; I do not believe he would identify himself as a Republican, but he is honest and energetic. He ran for City Council not long ago and he is well known to that body as someone who holds them accountable. His family has been in Tacoma for at least four generations but he isn't in any old boy network. He will not rubber stamp any proposal whether from environmentalists or from a deep pockets port tenant. He does his research. (Would he every oppose the international longshoreman's hooligans society? -- I do not really know, but then who can oppose them? I am not any kind of expert on that question, but longshoreman have always seem to me to have too much clout.) Kelly will do his best for the port, the city, and the region.
As I look through the voter's pamphlet, I see Mr. Richard "Dick" Muri running for the Pierce County Council, District No. 6. I believe that he will hold down tax increases as much as possible. Although he has a masters degree in environmental science, which makes him suspect in my book, he states that his knowledge will help ensure legislation is based upon valid science. I do like scientists and I am glad to see several candidates with scientific backgrounds. Up until the global warming scam, I always thought that sciences teach logical analysis. Many college students avoid science because they rightly believe that they don't have the intellect. They study psychology, sociology, journalism, political science, or education instead. Apparently, they have also infiltrated atmospheric science.
Apropos to my lack of electoral knowledge, I see that I made two errors in my post of yesterday. The RINO actually supported the Democrat when she dropped out. Can you beleive that? Also it was in New York not New Jersey. It's all back east to me.
In our upcoming local election in Pierce County, State of Washington, I have only a few favorites.
James Postma, who was at the Puyallup tea party last Friday is solidly conservative. He is running in the 9th Congressional District (not my district). I spoke to some of his supporters and campaign workers. I wanted to speak to Mr. Postma but it was so crowded at the indoor event that I could not get to him without exacerbating my claustrophobia and getting too warm. They really needed a much larger space. Mr. Posta opposes cap-and-trade, which I see as the most important issue that will probably still be before congress. He is in favor of developing our own energy sources. He would try to cut taxes and end the various government spending so-called stimuli.
Mr. Charles Kelly Creso is running for the Port of Tacoma Board of Commissioners. I do not know if he is an independent, Libertarian, or even a Democrat; I do not believe he would identify himself as a Republican, but he is honest and energetic. He ran for City Council not long ago and he is well known to that body as someone who holds them accountable. His family has been in Tacoma for at least four generations but he isn't in any old boy network. He will not rubber stamp any proposal whether from environmentalists or from a deep pockets port tenant. He does his research. (Would he every oppose the international longshoreman's hooligans society? -- I do not really know, but then who can oppose them? I am not any kind of expert on that question, but longshoreman have always seem to me to have too much clout.) Kelly will do his best for the port, the city, and the region.
As I look through the voter's pamphlet, I see Mr. Richard "Dick" Muri running for the Pierce County Council, District No. 6. I believe that he will hold down tax increases as much as possible. Although he has a masters degree in environmental science, which makes him suspect in my book, he states that his knowledge will help ensure legislation is based upon valid science. I do like scientists and I am glad to see several candidates with scientific backgrounds. Up until the global warming scam, I always thought that sciences teach logical analysis. Many college students avoid science because they rightly believe that they don't have the intellect. They study psychology, sociology, journalism, political science, or education instead. Apparently, they have also infiltrated atmospheric science.
Apropos to my lack of electoral knowledge, I see that I made two errors in my post of yesterday. The RINO actually supported the Democrat when she dropped out. Can you beleive that? Also it was in New York not New Jersey. It's all back east to me.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Still Marching twoard Totalitarianism
I haven't added many new posts lately. There are several reasons for this, mostly because I have already commented on what was happening and much the same continues to happen. I could attempt to discuss matters more in depth, such as explaining theoretically, why communism is bad. This has been done. Unfortunately, BHO and his followers seem to want what is bad for us if it will enhance their power, so why waste my breath?
Regarding the attempted coup by the president of Honduras, it appears that he has temporarily flaunted his nation's laws and gets a second bite of the apple. He is a want-to-be dictator who may soon be installed by the United States. (Something that the left used to dislike until a communist came into power, here and there.) The Hondurans are trying desperately to remain free, in spite of U.S. threats and sanctions. The US press also supported the BHO intervention in Honduran affairs. See my earlier post regarding Zelay's attempted coup, posted July 4. (I note that the same thing happened in Niger, which may have given Manuel Zelay the idea. - We did object to Mamadou Tandja in Niger, but he went ahead anyway. His third, unconstitutional, term starts next month. He dismissed parliament and the high court to stay in power. What does BHO do if his man does that too? Why don't we intervene there? Does BHO like that gangster too? Niger is the second largest uranium producer and may have oil. Remember the yellow cake? That's what Saddam's trade envoy went there for not the oil.)
The political situation here continues about the same: more and more unconstitutional powers usurped by all three branches. There is a dribble of defections in the GCP (Government Controlled Press). The major government organs actually did refuse to attend a press conference from which Fox News was was excluded. The RINOs are also slipping. The New Jersey Republican, who had been endorsed by ACORN, has withdrawn from the congressional special election in favor of the third party conservative, who was endorsed by Her Excellency, Sarah Palin.
Domestic economic affairs continue on their dismal trajectory to a $20 trillion debt. More Deficit spending along with low interest rates got us into the current mess and BHO seems to have no remedy but the hair of the dog that bit us. A new best seller, The Conscience of a Libertarian, spells it out well. While your at it, The Conscience of a Conservative, by Barry Goldwater, is pretty good too. We are still trying to spend our way to prosperity and reflate a popped balloon. Yes we can't.
In addition to not having a whole lot more to say, I am also busy with my new hobby of stamp collecting. This is a good way to learn about history and geography. I will post some photos of Third Reich and USSR stamps that I find interesting. The only current fascist and communist party on the ascendancy, is the HBO cabal. The parallels are numerous and depressing.
(See Bill Cunningham and his small cadre of Renegades on facebook for a good time)
Honduran matter: Latest abut US supported attempted coup: 0
Regarding the attempted coup by the president of Honduras, it appears that he has temporarily flaunted his nation's laws and gets a second bite of the apple. He is a want-to-be dictator who may soon be installed by the United States. (Something that the left used to dislike until a communist came into power, here and there.) The Hondurans are trying desperately to remain free, in spite of U.S. threats and sanctions. The US press also supported the BHO intervention in Honduran affairs. See my earlier post regarding Zelay's attempted coup, posted July 4. (I note that the same thing happened in Niger, which may have given Manuel Zelay the idea. - We did object to Mamadou Tandja in Niger, but he went ahead anyway. His third, unconstitutional, term starts next month. He dismissed parliament and the high court to stay in power. What does BHO do if his man does that too? Why don't we intervene there? Does BHO like that gangster too? Niger is the second largest uranium producer and may have oil. Remember the yellow cake? That's what Saddam's trade envoy went there for not the oil.)
The political situation here continues about the same: more and more unconstitutional powers usurped by all three branches. There is a dribble of defections in the GCP (Government Controlled Press). The major government organs actually did refuse to attend a press conference from which Fox News was was excluded. The RINOs are also slipping. The New Jersey Republican, who had been endorsed by ACORN, has withdrawn from the congressional special election in favor of the third party conservative, who was endorsed by Her Excellency, Sarah Palin.
Domestic economic affairs continue on their dismal trajectory to a $20 trillion debt. More Deficit spending along with low interest rates got us into the current mess and BHO seems to have no remedy but the hair of the dog that bit us. A new best seller, The Conscience of a Libertarian, spells it out well. While your at it, The Conscience of a Conservative, by Barry Goldwater, is pretty good too. We are still trying to spend our way to prosperity and reflate a popped balloon. Yes we can't.
In addition to not having a whole lot more to say, I am also busy with my new hobby of stamp collecting. This is a good way to learn about history and geography. I will post some photos of Third Reich and USSR stamps that I find interesting. The only current fascist and communist party on the ascendancy, is the HBO cabal. The parallels are numerous and depressing.
(See Bill Cunningham and his small cadre of Renegades on facebook for a good time)
Honduran matter: Latest abut US supported attempted coup: 0
Alfred E. Newman,
Bill Cunningham,
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