
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Update to Hate List

Nancy Pelosi has taken the lead in targeting the health insurance industry as the next bad guys. (That is a bit of an understatement, she actually seems to be saying that they are the REAL bad guys, super yucky, horrible, despicable guys, the cause of most of our problems and certainly the cause of our health care problems.) Speaker Pelosi is doing this of course to help pass a government health care bill. From listening to some liberal friends, I thought that they would be pushing the "children in danger" talking point. That is, they would be saying things like, "in spite of whatever shortcomings the bill might have, the lack of health care for children has reached the crisis level and children are dying every day. We just need to pass a bill now, no matter what. Even if we have to sacrifice some ourselves, the children should not be made to suffer like this." They have not taken that tack; maybe because the proposed legislation would preempt state programs for child health that probably provide better care that any federal law would. (See "Will Health-Care Reform Hurt Washington Kids," Lynne Varner, Seattle Times Editorial, July 28, 2009; )

Instead the democrat leadership is opting for the tried and true hate speech method. In my opinion, this is only a step away from the Jew hating propaganda that was so successful in the Third Reich. (That is, it was successful in keeping the Nazi party in power although it contributed to their downfall because the dumkoff Nazi's believed their own propaganda.) It has often been pointed out, that successfully demagogues have to target a few groups to hate and to blame their shortcomings on. It worked so well in the presidential campaign that without the "hate the mega-rich CEO's" vote, BHO may not have won. (The ever present Hate-Bush voters would never have voted for a Republican anyway, but then the Bush hatred syndrome may have been just strong enough to get them to vote, which they usually wouldn't bother to do.)

The health insurance companies join not only CEO's on the hate list but also the auto companies, oil companies, the "rich" and banks to name just a few. Whatever the truth about the insurance companies is, as Rush L. points out, the Democrats want it both ways. They say the health insurers are unfairly limiting coverage to policy holders and they say that they are not keeping costs down. Government will do a much better job providing more care and doing it for less, they say. (I suppose because they are not motivated by profit -- which is actually close to the reason why Government always dose a worse job.) So anyway, we need to hate the evil profiteers and ask our representative to vote in a government option. With the diminution with time of the Hate Bush vehemence, and with opposition in store for BHO, who will we be told to hate next? Maybe talk radio, then who knows, maybe you.

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