
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tea Party vs. Big Government Big Business Progressives

After the latest Senate vote failed to pass the Financial "Reform" bill, one of the Democrat senators stated that big money had won out over the little guy. She and other Democrats were for the "little guy." Nothing could be further from the truth. The progressive plans of those who currently wield povernment power, that is BHO and the Democrat Party, are and always have been very close to big business of all kinds. They need one another. Politicians need the donations, which they can obtain by promises, trickery, bribes, extortion, and black mail. Industries need government to give them favorable treatment over their competitors. Big spenders in government are also some of their best customers.

The so called Progressives are the masters of the big government big business game. Progressives need a lot of power to implement their schemes because they have the biggest schemes, so they need big money support. Usually they will dump their supporters after they serve their purpose. For example, communists use the big unions to obtain power. After communists gain power, workers essentially become slaves.

Now there are dozens of progressive plans gaining support in Congress or waiting on the sidelines. Big Government is pushing bills to support Big Pharma: regulate their natural supplement competitors. Big Agriculture: remove limits and stigma attached to genetic modified food. Big Labor: dozens of ideas, such as the Card Check bill. Big Media: Propaganda directed against competitors ("Net Neutrality"), and maybe eventual bailouts for failing liberal news outlets. Big Medicine: Government Health Care. Big Energy: Cap-and-Trade. Big Finance: "Reform" proposals (which will destroy competition and make the big remaining companies virtual government partners.) Big Education: Bailouts and grants for state education (with plenty of strings attached) to support high teacher unionized salaries and benefits.

The business government bandito business goes on with Democrats and Republicans both. However, the Demos, being bigger spenders, have the most to offer. This is exactly what the Tea Party is about, ending the government business spoil system that is bankrupting the country. Luckily we still have a semi-free press for the most part which is exposing their schemes as quick as they pop up. For example, from what little I know about the recent book, "The Manchurian President," many of the progressive, communist, money, power connections are explored vis-a-vis the Obama phenomenon.

One of Washington State's congressional members seems to be a poster child for a lot of these progressive schemes. Jay Inslee's web site:

1 comment:

  1. The Senate today (5/20/10) voted to end debate on the Wall Street Reform/Takeover Bill. Since that was the last chance to fillibuster, the Bill almost immediately passed the full Senate. Nothing to stop it now. Whatever Republicans voted for this bill needs to be drummed out of the party. The only major bill left for now is Cap-and -Trade. Please, please make your stand here make your voices heard, you lily livered Republicans.
