
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lyndon LaRouche Youth Activists Have a Plan Too

I talked to one of them and received a DVD and two magazines for a contribution. The DVD stopped working after about an hour just when the narrative got up to the present and I was wondering what happens next. I do not know but will find out one way or the other.

This group does not like BHO policies, especially health care at the moment. I have to like that. They say that the HMO's were the beginning of the problems for health care. The bankers' main ploy apparently, is to entice us and government to spend beyond our means. That makes sense to me too, but I didn't know it was an organized conspiracy. They do not like England because the global elite bankers are mostly from there. I do not know about that and do not think I will ever find out; it's got to be quite secret. It appears that Kaiser Wilhelm caught on but too late. They tricked him into WWI to destroy the German competition. I agree that Germany had a good thing going at the time (although starting down the road to socialism since Bismark), too bad things went wrong. I liked the Czar too, and certainly even the Brits don't trust the Brits. Anyway, they put in Hitler and after many steps and missteps, they arrived at today where they are behind President Obama's plans (the elite bankers that is, not LaRouchites). LaRouche is definitely against those plans and draws a Hitler mustache on Obama's picture to show what he thinks of him. I guess I agree with most of that. By definition, BHO policies are fascist and getting worse.

However, Obama's policies also are communistic, and THAT the LaRouchites do not seem to mind. (I could be wrong.) They think that FDR's policies were putting the bankers in their place until Trueman came along and put them back in charge. (Actually, under this conspiracy model, wasn't FDR's spending spree creating more debt for the global bankers to finance?) Mr. LaRouche seems to be pro organized labor too. Going along with Mr. LaRouche sounds a little bit like out of the frying pan into the fire. After JFK, whose contribution to the plot was to get assassinated,which was such a bummer it put the 60's generation into a suicidal death spiral, came a lot of financial schemes that robbed us more and more. Nixon took our gold, then finally we collapsed, but we do not quite know it yet.

I guess what they say we get next is Weimar style hyperinflation. I guess I should take what is left of my IRA out of stock mutual funds and put it into gold. (There isn't much else that would escape, right?) Mr. LaRouche's current plan of survival is to grant bankruptcy like protection to banks (only "legitimate" banks, apparently not the international elite ones) and mortgage holders. We could stop paying our mortgage payments to the banks but the banks would be OK since they would not have to pay anyone either. If only I could call Glenn Beck, maybe he could explain all this.


  1. Larouche is nothing but a convicted criminal and cult leader who was sent to prison in the 1980s for hijacking over 30 million dollars from people who thought that he was a legitimate person. In this regards, Larouche is more of a Bernie Madoff with his cult's promissory note schemes and credit card fraud. Like Madoff, hardly anyone who lost a total of nearly 34 million dollars in this madmans delusions and fraud will ever see a dime.

    Larouche has been a socialist, communist, Christian, left/right winger, pro Russian, anti Russian and anything else you can imagine to sucker people to his delusions.For over 40 years he has been running a cult of endless economic collapse, New Dark Ages and Nuclear war to recruit enough naive colege kids to drop out of school and support him. His cult skips many labor laws as he has them called "volunteers" and has them running like hamsters 18 hours a day, 6 1/2 to 7 days a week with one crisis after another for about 20 to 40 dollars a week.

    This cult circus has been going on for over 40 years by Larouche who has to recruit new blood to replace the worn out and broken down cult members who are discarded or those who have figured out how this farce works. Several hundred people have left the cult and in the last dying days of the elderly Larouche, he needs a few naive people to keep him and his wife living that millionaire lifestyle.

    You can read about how this charade is run on sites like: under discussions where there are over 6K posts from former members about this lunacy.

    If you give your name and phone number to the cult, they will be calling you endlessly to save humanity which seems to be only done by emptying your babk account with them. If you are in college, then the way to save humanity is for you to drop out of college, toil endlessly at their card table shrines or boiler rooms raising money for him. You bascialy work for free as most people in cults.

    Whatever is the current script is all just a mirage as it can change on a dime when Larouche needs yoo to raise money from another list of people. Last year, Obama was the devil incarnate, later, Obama is being advised by Larouche. Now Obama is Hitler. Read up on how this cult operates so you do not get hoodwinked by them.

    You think that this cult of drop outs ahve any interest in soemhting real except getting money for Larouche?

    Watch THIS video to see what cult jokers they are.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I have heard about LaRouche but I try to make by own judgments de nova. I just read about the German/Britan run-in over the planned Berlin to Bagdad railroad. Turns out Germany under Wilhelm II was looking into a port in the Kuwait area also. Actually, Brittan had pretty much taken care of that situation to protect "their" mid-east oil before the turn of the century with a little gunboat diplomacy. It was not a pressing concern leading to WWI as LaRouche claims; although, Germany's subsequent response of a naval build-up might have been.

    It is true that England has a long history of trade by monopoly (as with my ancestors in the North West Fur Company, who got a bit of a raw deal from after the merger with the government sponsored Hudson Bay Company.) So I can see a government/banker/industry consortium in restraint of trade going on. the American system, as LL points out, was free trade and competition. Although, as currently, we have not always followed that model to our detriment.
