
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Insanity is trying socialism over and over again and expecting a new result.

Socialism does not work. Economic theory has explained why it leads to a lower standard of living and the need for increasing government control. This is exactly what has happen every time is has been tried. Currently the administration of our federal government is implementing socialism at a breakneck speed. Our congress is going along as a willing accessory, as is the press. Corporations are rapidly being co-opted, as is the so-called loyal opposition party. Voters are being enticed by promises of something for nothing from the government, or by other empty promises. The public of course is mostly kept in the dark by the incompetence of the press. Our courts are intimidated by the executive branch. Even the Supreme Court has show its unwillingness to exercise its constitutional powers and responsibilities. Everyone who is not on the take is intimidated. Welcome to the chicken shit new world.

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