
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Atlas Shrugs said it first: We Are All Birthers Now

Your Papers, please, Mr. President

FEC Commission, Requesting Obama Birth Certificate Investigation UPDATE: SIGN THE PETITION:

A New Twist in Obama Birth Certificate Mystery

All you ever (or never) wanted to know about the "Birth Certificate" controversy:

The first three links are to three of 63 posts dating to before the presidential election on the website of "Atlas Shrugs." The last link is to the entire article where Atlas discusses the various posts and ties some of the issues together. This goes into scrubbing the internet and possibly altering official records by BHO operatives, and even to the murder of a witness. This is a whole lot more that a few second rate burglars breaking into the Watergate. The official reaction and the press reaction, that is the cover-up, is the story, not the birth certificate. It gets more bazaar and intresting all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Obama did not provide his actual birth certificate until Donald Trump brought up the subject. I think that this was because politician Obama realised that Trump, because of his TV presence, had the sympathetic ear of Obama's own low information voters and he did not want the situation to deteriorate.
