
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Art Bell Continues the Non-Debate

I sent Art Bell the following:

"As soon as I have the time, I will put a new post on my blog: Art Bell Continues the Non-Debate. My website is called Pardon the name. I started it chiefly because of the direction things were going. However, it is not an angry website. If anyone is angry about your program tonight, it is because the alternative global warming view is entirely ignored, or mischaracterized. Long ago, we were promised a scientific debate but the proponents debated themselves then declared that the debate was over and we lost.

I realize that Coast to Coast has been great in presenting both sides. I have listened ever since some guy called in about bats i his bedroom about 15 years ago. George Noory especially does a better job than anyone on the air with presenting both sides of all disputed issues. (By the way, man-made global warming is disputed.) So I would ask you to have a rebuttal program yourself. Hearing both sides is only fair."

Art was filling in on Coast to Coast AM for George Norry. I used to agree with most of his views, but tonight, he is off his rocker! The guest, the head of the National Wildlife Foundation was a real global warmy. He said the same old things that we have been hearing for years, as if no arguments to the contrary had ever been advanced. Of course, tonight he talks a lot about the Gulf Oil Spill. Likewise, he does not address the claims that regulations that stopped drilling in safer places helped to cause the spill. He mentions that Republicans and older people are just unable to understand the obvious and are obstructing progress, by which he means cap-and-trade legislation. He does not mention the accusations that PB is a very Democrat leaning company that favored cap-and-trade and donated a million to BHO's campaign.

They do not address the cost of cap-and-trade. They do not mention any alternative defense against global warming, if there is any, man-made or otherwise. They certainly do not mention the massive graft, greed, and conflicts of interest of the cap-and-trade proponents. They question, without phrasing it as such, the value of our constitutional form of government. They do not question the cost to liberty. Art goes along with it all, hook, line, and sinker! He wants "this" done now, by whatever means it takes. I couldn't believe it, he was totally off the deep end.

They ignore the arguments against cap-and-trade. That's nothing new; they only get away with it because of their virtual control of the press. So much can be said about the attitude of the guest (is he a god of the copybook heading?) but I have already said it. I guess it must be repeated. ... to be continued.

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