
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ronald Reagan Knew It Was Wrong

President Obama, in one of his innumerable sales pitches, stated that Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Ted Kennedy all knew that government supplied health care was right. They may have said that, but that does not mean they knew what they were talking about. Common sense tells us that it is wrong. Ronald Reagan, in a speech made in the early 1960's, says what he thinks of the idea. He was staunchly and irrevocably against it. He gave the economic and political arguments why he so believed.

Today, Billy Cunningham says, is a day that will live in infamy. He was depressed but animated while discussing the health care bill that was passed in the House of Representatives, in a special Sunday session this evening. The guests on Mr. Cunningham's weekly Sunday show were Mark Levin (see Mark Levin Show), Dr. Jerome Corsi (author of Obama Nation), and a member of the Cato Institute (see They talked about the tragic results this bill will have on American health and on the American economy. Mr. Cunningham says it is a bad night for great Americans.

This blog has discussed some of the reasons why this is a tragic outcome. Congressional adoption of this plan is a defeat for those who believe in the free market.

Mr. Cunningham brightened up the program by reading from an email. The sender states that Barack Obama is the greatest thing that has happened for this country in a long time. Among the reasons for this, he lists: BHO has destroyed both the Clinton and Kennedy dynasties and he has rejuvenated the Republican party.

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