
Friday, January 22, 2010

Back Bencher Department

Today, to thunderous applause, BHO tells the banks, "we want our money back." Mark Levin says, "Mr. Obama, we want our children's future back. What did you do with that?" After spending our money up to his eyeballs, Mr. Obama says that we spent too much and borrowed too much over the last ten years and that's the problem. Mr. Levin says, "Mr. Obama, you are full of crap." Mr. Levin has a radio show in which he spends three hours presenting historical facts and making arguments in support of his position. Mr. Obama makes another rambling, incoherent speech reminiscent of the diatribes of Adolph Hitler.

Like Hitler, BHO blames all of his enemies. Like Hitler, his favorite enemies are the bankers. Mr. Obama does not seem to recall what happened or what was said last year. Government agencies Freddy Mack and Fannie May, the biggest players in the mortgage industry, went bankrupt. Conservatives explained that government agencies and federal regulations forced banks to make very risky loans. One year ago, the Democrats replied, "There is plenty of blame to go around." Mr. Limbaugh pointed out that when a Democrat admits that there is blame to go around, we can be pretty sure that the blame is divided about 95% Democrats and 5% everyone else. Now Mr. Obama says that all the blame belongs to the people who took out mortgages and to the banks. Mr. Levin points out that Mr. Obama, as an ACORN attorney, took banks to court to force them to make loans under the Community Investment Act. Loans he now says they should not have made. Now Mr. Obama absolves himself and Democrats from any blame. This is an obvious misinterpretation of very recent history. (Mark Levin, The Great One has clearly documented the series of government actions that led to the recent bank problems. He has spelled these out in detail, giving references, three or four times on his show. Ludvig von Mises Institute has dozens of articles and links on this subject also, as does

This blog proudly admits to being a back bencher of the conservative talk shows. Mr. Levin calls those who get their ideas from him, back benchers. The best radio talk show hosts have been playing Mr. Obama's speeches and those of other political figures and taking them apart word by word. They look behind the rhetoric and expose the dramatically inconsistent and disingenuous statements. The best talk show hosts are uncompromising proponents of policies that are 180 degrees from the course currently set by BHO. If Mr. Obama chooses to interpret this as being against him, so be it. He is obviously not going to change course, so we are against him.

Some of the best talk shows that are broadcast in the Seattle-Tacoma area are, in order of their vehement uncompromising pursuit of truth: Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, Billy Cunningham, Lars Larson, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Peter Weisbach, and Brian and the Judge. Honorable Mention goes to George Noory of Coast to Coast. (Tonight the judge says that the democrats are on a "strident march toward collectivity," so even the last on this list is great.) Actually it is unfair to say that they are not all totally devoted to the truth, some are just better at discerning the truth.

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