
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tonight on Tabath Smiley

The thesis of the guest is that the evangelical movement (christian radical right) tried to take over the federal government but could only manage to take over the Republican Party. What they want is a theocracy to replace the constitution. Every non-believer would be relegated to second class status, if not executed. Tabatha mainly goes along with it all. They have no capacity for self-reflection and so they rally around Sarah Palin. This of course is very bad for the Republican Party so they should choose leaders more like John McCain and not like Sara Palin. Their Nazis plans are based upon the ideas of Lyndon LaRoush and Adolf Hitler. Tabatha only asks for a few more details. Conclusion: the public should see how radical the Republicans really are, they aren't dead they are the Undead Zombies (where have I heard that?) attacking President Obama's great ideas like government healthcare with their defunct ideology. This is a moment for the Progressives to seize! -- Max Blumenthal, "The American Gomorrah"

I see two things going on here:

1) Liberals getting books published to counter the 20 or 30 recent best seller conservative books. Don't buy the liberal books yet. You can get them at the Dollar Store in a month or so.

2) As their usual prelude to another attack on our liberties, one of the first steps is to accuse the right of exactly what the left has been doing and is going to try to do some more.

Tabatha Smiley says, "Remember, keep the faith."

see more about Tabatha at

Why can't I see more about Ludvig von Mises at or
Walter Williams or Alan Keyes?

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