I am very optimistic about this nation because of the awakening of reason and common sense in a growing number of people. This will expand I believe when our current economic troubles and political catastrophe bring on suffering that will cause more people to question the socialist establishment.
This blog, which started in 2008, is about current events, especially politics and economic changes in the United States, thus the blog name.
Some favorite Quotatios:
"We have tried so many things; when shall we try the simplest of all: freedom."
(Frederic Bastiat)
"Tyranny is the political corollary of socialism, as representative government is the political corollary of the market economy." (Ludwig von Mises; Planning for Freedom, p. 218)
"It is not who is right but what is right." (Albert Jay Nock)
"I don't like no confusion." - Mississippi John Hurt